Netezza Performance Server release notes

Netezza Performance Server for Cloud Pak for Data System

New features and enhancements

Introduces the ability to run SQL queries directly on Parquet files stored in Azure Blob Storage.
You can now seamlessly integrate Azure Blob Storage with SQL workflows, enabling advanced data analytics and reporting.

Resolved issues

  • Fixed an issue where differential backup from the Mako system is failing on the Netezza Performance Server while performing a restore.
  • Improved transaction rollback performance by optimizing the handling of large tdj files.
  • Introduced support for partial certificate chain verification in SSL. For more information, see The nzsql command.
  • Improved signal handling for the DBOS process to avoid sessions getting hung in a disconnected state if a query with UDX was abnormally aborted.
  • Prevented system restart due to crash when running stored procedures with execute immediate clause.
  • Fixed an issue where some views couldn't access the toast data correctly after an OID reset.
  • Fixed incorrect query results on tables distributed by char type columns with restrictions.
  • Eliminated multiple event generation for single component failures.
  • Fixed the issue where Netezza Performance Server is going down due to multiple SPU reboots while performing platform upgrades.

Known issues

Object ownership change after lakehouse database restoration.
An issue occurs when an object created by a non-admin user changes ownership to an admin user after lakehouse database restoration.
Downgrade limitation.
Downgrading from 11.2.3.X to 11.2.1.X Netezza Performance Server version is not supported.
Note: Contact IBM support for more information.