Netezza Performance Server release notes

Deployment options: Netezza Performance Server for Cloud Pak for Data System

Version provides stability patch for critical issues.


  • Added a tool called ips-deploy-remote for redeploying the Netezza Performance Server container to other control plan nodes.
  • TLSv1.2 support through the postgres.conf configuration variable enable_tls_v12 (by default, set to OFF).
  • Introduced a disable_crossdb_write variable for disabling cross-db write operations (by default, set to OFF).
  • Enabled the Postfix service on bare metal and inside the Netezza Performance Server container for sending mails.

Upgrade stability

  • Fixed the issue with the Netezza Performance Server upgrade, which fails to create upgrade user for replication systems as the nodes are suspended or if the password policy is set on the system.
  • Fixed the issue where Netezza Performance Server was not coming up after upgrade, due to custom "umask" settings in bashrc.

System management

  • Delivered multiple critical fixes to improve the stability of SPU, disk failover and or activation.
  • Improved data slices rebalancing (nzds rebalance) to achieve better performance.
  • Added support to allow second disk activation from the same node.
  • Resolved interruptions, which occurred during the failover process.
  • Added stability by avoiding SPU failover and or activation in the booting state.
  • Added support to power ON/OFF a SPU from inside the Netezza Performance Server container through CLI nzpush.
  • Corrected hardware locations for a Netezza Performance Server event from a multi domain system.
  • Introduced a startup.failDiskOnSuperblockError variable support to prevent system from entering the down state due to bad disks.
  • Fixed issues due to incorrect metadata entry of SPU IP impacting INZA stored procedures.
  • Full support for nzhostrestore from a host backup.
  • The nzds [show]-rebalance command is replaced by nzds rebalance, with expanded rebalancing semantics. For more information, see The nzds command.
  • Activation of a SPU no longer automatically triggers rebalancing of data slices. Since rebalancing incurs a system state change and service interruption, the customer can now choose when this interruption happens and explicitly execute the nzds rebalance command then. The pre- behavior of automatic rebalancing on SPU activation can be obtained by setting sysmgr.enableAutoRebalance=yes. In addition, if sysmgr.enableAutoRebalance=yes is set in /nz/data/config/system.cfg, nzstart will also automatically rebalance data slices if rebalancing is needed.

SQL stability

  • Fixed ERROR: DHJ: not enough memory for joining.
  • Avoided unconstrained heap memory allocation beyond the 31-bit limit.
  • Errored out cross database write queries on restored read only databases.
  • Errored out write queries triggered from non-replicated database to replicated database.
  • Fixed the issue to prevent the postgres core from a cache refresh while a cross database operation is underway.
  • Fixed the issue where the search path / set path functionality was not working after the schema was set in the transaction block.
  • Fixed the issue with row secure table backup.
  • Fixed the problem with pruning old files.


  • Prevented SPU core memory dumps from getting lost.
  • Added tools in Software Support Tools (/nz/support/bin)
    Modified for the Netezza Performance Server environment; takes care of pruning.
    Generates backtraces for all core file on the system.
    Added an option to help establish which column to use for ordering.

Known issues

  • If the system was initialized with Netezza Performance Server or earlier, the sizes of NzLocal Partitions that are reported by nzspupart show might sometimes be unclear. This issue has no impact on system behavior.
  • If the system was initialized with Netezza Performance Server or earlier, disk and SPU activation might sometimes leave the NzLocal partitions in the Degraded state. This issue can be corrected with nzstop and nzstart.
  • After container upgrade to from, nzstart might fail with this error message:
    WARNING: SELinux is configured to be started on reboot (/etc/selinux/config)
    Use of uninitialized value $ENV{"NZ_REMOTE_FILE_SERVER"} in concatenation (.) or string at /nz/kit/bin/adm/nzchkhost line 415.
    Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /nz/kit/bin/adm/nzchkhost line 415.
    Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /nz/kit/bin/adm/nzchkhost line 415.
    Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /nz/kit/bin/adm/nzchkhost line 415.
    mount.nfs: Failed to resolve server : Name or service not known
    mount.nfs: Operation already in progress
    Use of uninitialized value $ENV{"NZ_REMOTE_FILE_SERVER"} in concatenation (.) or string at /nz/kit/bin/adm/nzchkhost line 417.
    Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /nz/kit/bin/adm/nzchkhost line 417.
    Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /nz/kit/bin/adm/nzchkhost line 417.
    Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /nz/kit/bin/adm/nzchkhost line 417.
    ERROR:  Unable to mount gpfs export: :/ipshost on /mnt/gpfs_test/


    1. As the nz user, run the commands inside the container:
      mv /nz/kit. /nz/kit.
      cp /nz/kit. /nz/kit.
    2. As the nz user, run: