Public member functions documentation
- NzaeTimeTzField addInterval(const NzaeIntervalField &interval) const
- Constructs a TimeTzField by adding an interval.
- Parameters
- NzaeIntervalField interval
- The NzaeIntevalField value.
- Returns
- NzaeTimeTzField
- The TimeTzField consisting of Interval plus TimeTz.
- void decodeTimeTz(uint8_t *hour, uint8_t *minute, uint8_t *second, uint32_t *mcrs, int16_t
*sqlOffset, bool *errorFlag=NULL) const
- Converts a Netezza-encoded TimeTz value to h:m:s:micros.
- Parameters
- hour
- The hour, 0 to 23 inclusive.
- minute
- The minute, 0 to 59 inclusive.
- second
- The second, 0 to 59 inclusive.
- mcrs
- The microsecond, 0 to 999,999 inclusive.
- sqlOffset
- The parameter in which to record the offset in minutes, SQL_OFFSET_MIN to SQL_OFFSET_MAX
- errorFlag
- If not NULL, *set to TRUE if isValidTimeTz(encodedTime, encodedZone) is FALSE; *set to FALSE
- Exceptions
- NzaeException
- void encodeTimeTz(uint32_t hour, uint32_t minute, uint32_t second, uint32_t mcrs, int32_t
sqlOffset, bool *errorFlag=NULL)
- Parameters
- hour
- The hour, 0 to 23 inclusive.
- minute
- The minute, 0 to 59 inclusive.
- second
- The second, 0 to 59 inclusive.
- mcrs
- The microsecond, 0 to 999,999 inclusive.
- sqlOffset
- Offset in minutes, SQL_OFFSET_MIN to SQL_OFFSET_MAX inclusive.
- errorFlag
- If not NULL, *set to TRUE if isValidTimeTz(encodedTime, encodedZone) is FALSE; *set to FALSE
- Exceptions
- NzaeException
- Converts a h:m:s:micros TimeTZ value to a Netezza-encoded TimeTZ.
- void fromString(std::string str)
- Constructs the field from the string.
- Parameters
- str
- The string to assign from.
- bool isValidTimeTz() const
- Determines whether a Netezza-encoded TimeTZ value is valid and within range.
- Returns
- FALSE if isValidTime(encodedTime) is FALSE, or isValidTimeTzOffset(encodedZone) is FALSE; TRUE
- NzaeTimeTzField(const NzaeTimeTzField &field)
- Constructs a timetz field with value field.
- Parameters
- NzaeTimeTzField field
- The NzaeTimeTzField value.
- NzaeTimeTzField(const NzaeTimeField &field)
- Constructs a timetz field with value field.
- Parameters
- NzaeTimeField field
- The NzaeTimeField value.
- NzaeTimeTzField(const NzaeTimestampField &field)
- Constructs a timetz field with value field.
- Parameters
- NzaeTimestampField field
- The NzaeTimestampField value.
- NzaeTimeTzField()
- Constructs a NULL timetz field.
- NzaeTimeTzField(NzudsTimeTz val)
- Constructs a timetz field with value val.
- Parameters
- val
- The encoded timetz value.
- operator const NzudsTimeTz &() const
- Returns the encoded field value.
- Returns
- The encoded value.
- operator NzaeTimeField() const
- Returns the time field value.
- Returns
- The timestamp value converted from timetz.
- operator NzudsTimeTz &()
- Returns the encoded field value.
- Returns
- The encoded value.
- bool operator!=(const NzaeTimeTzField &x) const
- Not Equal.
- Parameters
- NzaeTimeTzField x
- The field to compare.
- Returns
- TRUE if the field is not equal to x.
- Exceptions
- NzaeException
- bool operator<(const NzaeTimeTzField &x) const
- Less than.
- Parameters
- NzaeTimeTzField x
- The field to compare.
- Returns
- TRUE if the field is not equal to x.
- Exceptions
- NzaeException
- bool operator<=(const NzaeTimeTzField &x) const
- Less than or equal.
- Parameters
- NzaeTimeTzField x
- The field to compare.
- Returns
- TRUE if the field is not equal to x.
- Exceptions
- NzaeException
- NzaeTimeTzField& operator=(NzudsTimeTz val)
- Assigns the value of the argument to a field object.
- Parameters
- val
- The encoded value to assign.
- Returns
- NzaeTimeTzField
- NzaeTimeTzField& operator=(const NzaeTimestampField &field)
- Assigns the value of the argument to a field object.
- Parameters
- NzaeTimestampField field
- The field to assign.
- Returns
- NzaeTimeTzField
- NzaeTimeTzField& operator=(NzaeField &field)
- Assigns the value of the argument to a field object.
- Parameters
- NzaeField field
- The field to assign.
- Returns
- NzaeTimeTzField
- The field argument may be a different type, as long as it is compatible.
- NzaeTimeTzField& operator=(const NzaeTimeTzField &field)
- Assigns the value of the argument to a field object.
- Parameters
- NzaeTimeTzField field
- The field to assign.
- Returns
- NzaeTimeTzField
- NzaeTimeTzField& operator=(const NzaeTimeField &field)
- Assigns the value of the argument to a field object.
- Parameters
- NzaeTimeField field
- The field to assign.
- Returns
- NzaeTimeTzField
- bool operator==(const NzaeTimeTzField &x) const
- Equal to.
- Parameters
- NzaeTimeTzField field
- The field to assign.
- Returns
- TRUE if the field is equal to x.
- Exceptions
- NzaeException
- bool operator>(const NzaeTimeTzField &x) const
- Greater than.
- Parameters
- NzaeTimeTzField field
- The field to compare.
- Returns
- TRUE if the field is equal to x.
- Exceptions
- NzaeException
- bool operator>=(const NzaeTimeTzField &x) const
- Greater than or equal.
- Parameters
- NzaeTimeTzField field
- The field to assign.
- Returns
- TRUE if the field is greater than or equal to x.
- Exceptions
- NzaeException
- NzaeTimeTzField subInterval(const NzaeIntervalField &interval) const
- Constructs a TimeTzField by subtracting an interval.
- Parameters
- NzaeIntervalField interval
- The NzaeIntervalField value.
- Returns
- NzaeTimeTzField
- The TimeTzField consisting of TimeTz minus interval.
- std::string toString() const
- Returns the string representation of the field.
- Returns
- The string representation
- virtual NzaeDataTypes::Types type() const
- Returns the type of the field.
- Returns
- Types
- The field type.