Public member functions
- NzaeTimeField addInterval(const NzaeIntervalField &x) const
- Constructs a TimeField by adding an interval.
- void decodeTime(uint8_t *hour, uint8_t *minute, uint8_t *second, uint32_t *mcrs, bool *errorFlag=NULL) const
- Converts a Netezza-encoded Time value to h:m:s:micros.
- void encodeTime(uint32_t hour, uint32_t minute, uint32_t second, uint32_t mcrs, bool *error-Flag=NULL)
- Converts a h:m:s:micros Time value to a Netezza-encoded Time.
- void fromString(std::string str)
- Constructs the field from the string.
- bool isValidTime() const
- Specifies whether a Netezza-encoded Time value is valid and within range.
- NzaeTimeField(const NzaeTimeField &field)
- Constructs a time field with value field.
- NzaeTimeField(const NzaeTimeTzField &field)
- Constructs a time field with value field.
- NzaeTimeField()
- Constructs a NULL time field.
- NzaeTimeField(const NzaeTimestampField &field)
- Constructs a time field with value field.
- NzaeTimeField(int64_t val)
- Constructs a time field with value val
- void offsetTime(int32_t sqlOffset, bool *errorFlag=NULL)
- Applies an offset to the Netezza Time. If nzTime with offset runs over 23:59:59.999999, it' wraps around' back at zero. For example, applying '+120 minutes' to the encoded equivalent of '23:00:00' returns the encoded equivalent of '01:00:00'.
- operator int64_t() const
- Returns the encoded field value.
- operator NzaeIntervalField() const
- Returns the interval field value.
- operator NzaeTimeTzField() const
- Returns the timetz field value.
- NzaeTimeField& operator=(const NzaeTimestampField &field)
- Assigns the value of the argument to a field object.
- NzaeTimeField& operator=(NzaeField &field)
- Assigns the value of the argument to a field object.
- NzaeTimeField& operator=(const NzaeTimeTzField &field)
- Assigns the value of the argument to a field object.
- NzaeTimeField& operator=(int64_t val)
- Assigns the value of the argument to a field object.
- NzaeTimeField& operator=(const NzaeTimeField &field)
- Assigns the value of the argument to a field object.
- NzaeTimeField subInterval(const NzaeIntervalField &x) const
- Constructs a TimeField by subtracting interval.
- NzaeIntervalField subTime(const NzaeTimeField &x) const
- Constructs an IntervalField by subtracting time.
- std::string toString() const
- Returns the string representation of the field.
- virtual NzaeDataTypes::Types type() const
Returns the type of the field.