Public member functions

void fromString(std::string str)
Constructs the field from the string.
void fromStringWithInfo(std::string str, int precision, int scale)
Constructs the field from the string.
NzaeNumeric32Field(const NzaeNumericField &field)
Constructs a numeric32 field with value field.
NzaeNumeric32Field(int32_t val)
Constructs a numeric32 field with value val.
Constructs a NULL numeric32.
NzaeNumeric32Field(const NzaeNumeric32Field &field)
Constructs a numeric32 field with value field.
NzaeNumeric32Field(const NzudsNumeric32 val)
Constructs a numeric32 field with value val.
NzaeNumeric32Field(double val)
Constructs a numeric32 field with value val.
NzaeNumeric32Field(int64_t val)
Constructs a numeric32 field with value val.
operator const NzudsNumeric32 &() const
Returns a numeric32 value.
operator double() const
Returns a value converted to a double.
operator NzudsNumeric32 &()
Returns a numeric32 value.
NzaeNumeric32Field& operator=(NzaeField &field)
Assigns the value of the argument to a field object.
NzaeNumeric32Field& operator=(const NzudsNumeric32 val)
Assigns the value of the argument to a field object.
NzaeNumeric32Field& operator=(const NzaeNumeric32Field &field)
Assigns the value of the argument to a field object.
NzaeNumeric32Field& operator=(const NzaeNumericField &val)
Assigns the value of the argument to a field object.
NzaeNumeric32Field& operator=(int32_t val)
Assigns the value of the argument to a field object.
NzaeNumeric32Field& operator=(int64_t val)
Assigns the value of the argument to a field object.
NzaeNumeric32Field& operator=(double val)
Assigns the value of the argument to a field object.
std::string toString() const
Returns the string representation of the field.
virtual NzaeDataTypes::Types type() const
Returns the type of the field.