Public member functions

NzaeApi& getApi(nz::ae::NzaeApi::ApiType type)
Gets an API object.
NzaeApi* getApi(nz::ae::NzaeApi::ApiType type, bool fork)
Gets an API object.
NzaeRemoteProtocolCallback* getCallbackHandler()
Gets the remote protocol callback handler.
bool isLocal()
Return true if this is a local AE process.
bool isRemote()
Return true if this is a remote AE process.
bool ownsAPI()
Returns TRUE if the helper owns the API.
void setCallbackHandler(NzaeRemoteProtocolCallback *handler)
Sets the remote protocol callback handler.
virtual void setDataSliceId(int dataSliceId)
Sets the remote connection point dataslice ID.
virtual void setName(const char *name)
Sets the remote connection point name.
void setOwnsAPI(bool owns)
Sets whether this object should manage API.
virtual void setSessionId(int sessionId)
Sets the remote connection point session ID.
virtual void setTransactionId(int64_t transactionId)
Sets the remote connection transaction ID.