Upgrade and downgrade concerns
Deployment options: Netezza Performance Server for Cloud Pak for Data System
Netezza Performance Server for Cloud Pak for Data
The backup method that you select also affects your ability to restore data after you upgrade or downgrade your system.
- Backups that are created with the nzbackup command can be safely reloaded and restored after an upgrade of the software. Backups that are created with the nzbackup command are not guaranteed to support reload and restore after a software downgrade. These backup formats are subject to change between releases.
- When you restore a database that includes multiple schemas, the command restores all of the schemas unless you are restoring to a system that does not support schemas. In this case, the restore process attempts to restore all the objects in the single, default schema for a database. If there are name conflicts, such as tables in different schemas that use the same name, the restore reports an error. If you are restoring a database that is created on a system that did not use multiple schemas to a system that does support multiple schemas, the restore is expected to complete without error. The restore creates a schema that matches the owner name of the database in the backup, and restores the objects to that new schema.
- Compressed external table backups can be safely reloaded and restored after an upgrade of the software. Compressed external table backups are not guaranteed to support reload and restore after a software downgrade. These backup formats are subject to change between releases.
- Text format external tables are insensitive to software revisions, and can be reloaded to any software release.