SQL commands

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Database users, if permitted, can perform some administrative tasks by using SQL commands while they are logged in through SQL sessions. For example, users can do the following tasks:
  • Manage Netezza Performance Server users and groups, access permissions, and authentication
  • Manage database objects (create, alter, or drop objects, for example)
  • Display and manage session settings
  • Manage history configurations

SQL commands are shown in uppercase (for example, CREATE USER) to stand out as SQL commands. The commands are not case-sensitive and can be entered by using any letter casing. Users must have Netezza Performance Server database accounts and applicable object or administrative permissions to do tasks. For detailed information about the SQL commands and how to use them to do various administrative tasks, see Database user documentation.

Netezza Performance Server for Cloud Pak for Data

To isssue the nzsql command, you must use the external Netezza Performance Server endpoint (NZ_HOST).

You can set the environment variables to use the nzsql command with more ease.
Variable Notes
NZ_HOST Set to the hostname or IP address of external endpoint (or load balancer).
NZ_DATABASE Set to the specific database that you want to connect to.
NZ_USER The database user you want to connect as.
NZ_PASSWORD Authentication password for the database user.