ODBC driver configuration file (UNIX and Linux®)

You supply configuration information for the Netezza Performance Server ODBC driver by using the entries in the .odbcinst.ini file, which you can modify if necessary.

The period precedes the file name only when the file is in the home directory of the user as a hidden file.

The following example shows the contents of a 32-bit driver configuration file that is named odbcinst.ini.sample. This file is in the nz/lib directory (ordinarily, the /usr/local/nz/lib directory) after you install the Netezza Performance Server driver. Use the contents of the sample file to configure your own .odbcinst.ini file.
[ODBC Drivers]
NetezzaSQL = Installed

Driver           = /usr/local/nz/lib/libnzsqlodbc3.so
Setup            = /usr/local/nz/lib/libnzsqlodbc3.so
APILevel         = 1
ConnectFunctions = YYN
Description      = Netezza ODBC driver
DriverODBCVer    = 03.51
DebugLogging     = false
LogPath          = /tmp
UnicodeTranslationOption = utf8
CharacterTranslationOption = all
PreFetch         = 256
Socket           = 16384 
Some of the key parameters in the file are as follows:
Specifies whether logging is enabled. By default, logging is disabled. To enable logging, specify a Boolean value such as 1 or true.
Specifies the location of the debug log files. The default is the /tmp directory.
Specifies the Unicode encoding value. Valid values are utf8, utf16, and utf32. The default is utf8.
Specifies how characters are translated. The Netezza Performance Server system uses the Latin9 character encoding for char and varchar types. You can set the value to all or latin9.
Specifies the number of rows that the driver retrieves at a time from a Netezza Performance Server database. The default is 256. To tune your application, set a value that optimizes network use versus memory use. The higher this value, the more memory that is required to hold the rows.
Specifies the size of the communications buffer in bytes. The range is 1 - 32 KB. The default is 8192 bytes.