NzaeTimeTz class reference

This class is for the TimeTz data type.

Public member functions

int compareTo(Object o)
Compares two NzaeTimeTz objects.
String toString()
Returns the string representation.

Public attributes

The Time Zone portion of TimeTz.
The time portion of TimeTz.

Public member functions documentation

int compareTo(Object o)
Compares two NzaeTimeTz objects.
The object to be compared to.

A negative integer if the object is less than the specified object, 0 is the objects are equal, or a positive integer is the object is greater than the specified object.

Returns an integer describing whether the object is less than, equal to, or greater than the specified object.

String toString()
Returns the string representation.

The string representation.

Member data documentation

int offsetMinutes
The Offset is in minutes.
java.sql.Time time
The time portion of TimeTz.