Spatial ESRI cartridge functions

The Spatial ESRI cartridge provides functions that you can use to process spatial data.

Each spatial function falls into one of the following categories:
Geometric information functions
These return information about a geometric object.
Conversion (or constructor) functions
These convert an object into another representation.
Comparison functions
These evaluate whether two or more objects touch, overlap, or otherwise intersect or connect.
Geometric object manipulation functions
These can set coordinate values or derive new objects such as centroids, buffers, bounding regions, and so on.
Distance and area functions
These evaluate objects for measurements such as area, distance, and length.
Table 1. Spatial ESRI cartridge functions categorized by operation type
Operation Type Functions
Geometric Information ST_CoordDim ST_Is3D ST_MaxX ST_NumInteriorRing
ST_Dimension ST_IsClosed ST_MaxY ST_NumPoints
ST_EndPoint ST_IsEmpty ST_MaxZ ST_SRID
ST_GeomFromText ST_IsMeasured ST_MinM ST_StartPoint
ST_GeomFromWKB ST_IsRing ST_MinX ST_X
ST_GeometryN ST_IsSimple ST_MinY ST_Y
ST_GeometryType ST_M ST_MinZ ST_Z
ST_MaxM ST_MaxM ST_NumGeometries
Conversion Functions ST_AsBinary ST_AsKML1 ST_WKBToSQL ST_WKTToSQL
ST_AsText ST_Tranform2 ST_Convert2
Comparison Functions ST_Contains ST_DWithin ST_Intersects ST_Touches
ST_Crosses ST_MBRIntersects ST_Overlaps ST_Within
ST_Disjoint ST_Equals ST_Relate
Object Manipulation Functions ST_Buffer ST_Envelope ST_MBR ST_X
ST_Boundary ST_ExteriorRing ST_Point ST_Y
ST_Centroid ST_InteriorRingN ST_PointN ST_Z
ST_ConvexHull ST_Intersection ST_SRID
ST_Difference ST_M ST_SymDifference
Measurement and Distance Functions ST_Area ST_Distance ST_Length ST_Perimeter
  • 1 For more information about the Keyhole Markup Language (KML) used in the ST_AsKML function, see
  • 2 Available only with the Spatial ESRI cartridge.
Table 2. Spatial ESRI cartridge functions categorized by geometry type. This table lists, for each geometry type, the functions that can operate on that type.
Geometry Type Functions
ST_Geometry ST_AsBinary, ST_AsText, ST_Boundary, ST_Buffer, ST_Contains, ST_ConvexHull, ST_CoordDim, ST_Crosses, ST_Difference, ST_Dimension, ST_Disjoint, ST_Distance, ST_DWithin, ST_Envelope, ST_Equals, ST_GeometryType, ST_GeometryTypeId, ST_Intersection, ST_Intersects, ST_Is3D, ST_IsEmpty, ST_IsMeasured, ST_IsSimple, ST_Length, ST_MBR, ST_MaxM, ST_MaxX, ST_MaxY, ST_MaxZ, ST_MinM, ST_MinX, ST_MinY, ST_MinZ, ST_Overlaps, ST_Perimeter, ST_Relate, ST_SRID, ST_SymDifference, ST_Touches, ST_Union, ST_Within, ST_WKBToSQL, ST_WKTToSQL
ST_Point ST_M, ST_Point, ST_X, ST_Y, ST_Z
ST_LineString ST_EndPoint, ST_IsClosed, ST_IsRing, ST_NumPoints, ST_PointN, ST_StartPoint
ST_Surface ST_Area, ST_Centroid
ST_Polygon ST_ExteriorRing, ST_InteriorRingN, ST_NumInteriorRing
ST_MultiPoint All the functions supported by ST_GeomCollection and ST_Geometry
ST_MultiLineString ST_IsClosed, ST_IsRing
ST_MultiPolygon ST_Area, ST_Centroid
ST_GeomCollection ST_GeometryN, ST_NumGeometries