The nzbackup and nzrestore commands with the Tivoli Storage Manager connector
After you successfully configure the client (the Netezza host) and the server (the Tivoli® Storage Manager server) for the backup and restore connections, you can run the nzbackup and nzrestore commands and specify options for the Tivoli Storage Manager connector.
export DATASTORE_POLICY=Policy_Domain_Name
nzbackup -db myDb -connector tivoli -connectorArgs "TSM_PASSWD=password"
In the command, the Tivoli Storage Manager server password is passed as a connector argument. The TSM_PASSWD is the client password as defined in step 7 of the Registering a Netezza Performance Server client on a Tivoli Storage Manager server.
export DATASTORE_POLICY=Policy_Domain_Name
nzrestore -db myDb -connector tivoli -connectorArgs "TSM_PASSWD=password"
For parameters that can be used with the nzbackup command and the available -connector options, see Command syntax for nzbackup.