Driver, provider, and appliance software compatibility

The table in this topic shows the compatibility between the Netezza Performance Server driver or provider versions and the Netezza Performance Server system software versions.

The system software versions and the driver and provider versions that are shown are baseline versions. To ensure up-to-date capability, always check the Netezza Performance Server site for the latest version. Different driver and provider and Netezza Performance Server software versions might have different available functions, so you might need to change your driver or provider version or software version to take advantage of more features.

Drivers compatibility:
  • ODBC / JDBC / OLEDB / .NET PureData System for Analytics and later drivers are compatible with Netezza Performance Server 11.X.X.
  • PureData System for Analytics and later drivers are compatible with Netezza Performance Server
  • Go Driver - Netezza Performance Server driver 11.X.X and later are compatible with Netezza Performance Server 11.X.X.

If you have a more recent driver and you must connect to a system that runs an older Netezza Performance Server release, a set query returns an error if the Netezza Performance Server system does not support the field that is being set.