The nzstats command

Use the nzstats command to display statistics about system capacity, faults, and performance.


The nzstats command uses the following syntax:
nzstats [-h|-rev|-hc] subcmd [subcmd options]]


The nzstats command takes the following inputs:
Table 1. The nzstats inputs
Input Description
nzstats listFields -type type Displays a numbered list of the fields for the specified type of group or table. Possible types are shown in the description of the nzstats listFields command. Each field in the list that is displayed corresponds to a column that can be displayed for the specified type of object by means of the nzstats show command.
nzstats listTypes Lists the types of objects for which you can display information:
DBMS Group.
System Group (this is the default).
Database Table.
Host Table.
Host CPU Table.
Host File System Table.
Host Interface Table.
Host Management Channel Table.
Host Network Table.
HW Management Channel Table.
Query Table.
Query History Table.
SPU Table.
SPU Partition Table.
Table Table.
Per Table Per Data Slice Table.
nzstats show options Displays the statistics from the System Group table.


The nzstats show command takes the following options:
Table 2. The nzstats options
Option Description
-u user The database user name [NZ_USER].
-pw password The user password [NZ_PASSWORD].
-host name The host name or IP address [NZ_HOST].
-timeout secs The number of seconds to wait for the command to complete before it exits with a timeout error. The default is 300.
-type type The type of group or table that you want to show. The default is system. Possible types are shown in the description of the nzstats listFields command.
-cols list A list of numbers that correspond to the columns that are to be displayed (for example, 1,4,5). Each number corresponds to one of the numbered fields listed by the nzstats listFields command for the corresponding object type.
-colMatch str Display only the columns whose name contains the str string.
-orient type The output orientation (auto, horizontal, or vertical).
-fmtNum Format numbers in the output for improved readability.
-fmtMemFlds format Format memory fields with size options such as KB, MB, or GB for improved readability.
-allocationUnit units For the type table, the units in which disk space used value is displayed (usedbytes, extents, or usedblocks). The default is usedbytes.


The nzstats command does the following:
Privileges required
Your database user account must have the Manage System privilege to show the actual system statistics. Any user can list the fields and types.
Common tasks
Use the nzstats command to display operational statistics. If you have a Netezza Performance Server Release 7.0.3 or later client, note that the command does not work with Netezza Performance Server systems that run a release earlier than 7.0.3 and which do not support multiple schemas within a database.


The following provides sample usage:
  • To list the types of objects for which statistics can be displayed:
    nzstats listTypes 
    Group/Table Type Description
    ---------------- ------------------------------
    dbms             DBMS Group
    system           System Group
    database         Database Table
    host             Host Table
    hostCpu          Host CPU Table
    hostFileSystem   Host File System Table
    hostIf           Host Interface Table
    hostMgmtChan     Host Management Channel Table
    hostNet          Host Network Table
    hwMgmtChan       HW Management Channel Table
    query            Query Table
    queryHist        Query History Table
    spu              SPU Table
    spuPartition     SPU Partition Table
    table            Table Table
    tableDataSlice   Per Table Per Data Slice Table
  • To list the fields (columns) of output that are generated for the system group:
    nzstats listFields -type system
    Col Field Name
    --- --------------------
    1   Name
    2   Description
    3   Contact
    4   Location
    5   IP Addr
    6   Up Time
    7   Up Time Text
    8   Date
    9   State
    10  State Text
    11  Model
    12  Serial Num
    13  Num SFIs
    14  Num SPAs
    15  Num SPUs
    16  Num Data Slices
    17  Num Hardware Issues
    18  Num Dataslice Issues
  • To display the first 9 columns of the system group:
    nzstats show -type system -cols 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
    Field Name   Value
    ------------ --------------------------------
    Name         bbnzdev-blh
    Description  <sys description>
    Contact      <contact name>
    IP Addr
    Up Time      1827020 secs
    Up Time Text 21 days, 3 hrs, 30 mins, 20 secs
    Date         19-Dec-13, 15:51:48 CET
    State        8
  • To display the columns that match the string Num Data Slices:
    nzstats show -u user -pw password -host nzhost -colMatch "Num Data"
    Field Name           Value
    -------------------- -----
    Num Data Slices      3
    Num Dataslice Issues 3