The nzhw command

Use the nzhw command to manage the hardware.

The nzhw command replaces the nzspu and nzsfi commands. Use this command to show information about the system hardware and activate or deactivate components, locate components, or delete them from the system.


The nzhw command has the following syntax:
nzhw [-h|-rev] [-hc] subcmd [subcmd options]


The nzhw command takes the following inputs:
Table 1. The nzhw input options
Input Description
nzhw activate -id hwId Makes a specified hardware component such as a SPU or a disk available as a spare from a non-Active role (such as Failed or Mismatched). Specify the hardware ID of the SPU or disk that you want to activate.

Starting from version, activation of a SPU no longer automatically triggers rebalancing of data slices. Since rebalancing incurs a system state change and service interruption, you can choose when this interruption happens and explicitly run the nzds rebalance command then.

You can achieve automatic rebalancing when SPU is activated, which is the default in versions and lower, by setting sysmgr.enableAutoRebalance=yes. If sysmgr.enableAutoRebalance=yes is set in /nz/data/config/system.cfg, nzstartautomatically rebalances data slices if rebalancing is needed.

Note: In some cases, the system might display a message that the disk cannot be activated yet because the SPU has not finished an existing activation request. Disk activation usually occurs quickly, unless there are several activations happening at the same time. In this case, later activations wait until they are processed in turn.
nzhw deactivate -id hwId [-force] Changes the role of a spare SPU to Inactive, which makes the component unavailable to the system. Attempting to deactivate an active component that has a role other than Spare results in an error.

Specify the hardware ID of the spare SPU that you want to deactivate. Include the -force option if you do not want to be prompted with a confirmation.

nzhw failover -id hwId [-force] Changes the role of a SPU or disk to Failed, which makes the component unavailable to the system. If you fail a SPU, the system reassigns the data slices that are managed or owned by that SPU to the other active SPUs in the chassis. Failing a disk causes the system to use the disk mirror partition as the primary partition. For more information about the processing of a failover, see Failover information.

Specify the hardware ID of the spare SPU or disk that you want to fail. Include the -force option if you do not want to be prompted with a confirmation.

nzhw locate [-id hwId | [-off] Identifies a component and its location in the system.

When used with -id, the command displays a string for the physical location of the hardware component that is identified by the hwid value. For SPUs, disks, and disk enclosures, the command also turns on its indicator LED so that a technician at the Netezza Performance Server system can find the component in the rack.

The -off option turns off the indicator LED for the specified component or all SPUs and disks.

Note: If the hardware type that is specified for the command does not have an LED, the command only displays the location string for that component.
nzhw reset {-id hwId | -all | -spa spaId } [-force] Resets the specified hardware component. Currently, only a SPU is supported as a reset target by using this command.

You can specify one of the following target options:

  • -id hwid to reset a particular SPU designated by its hardware ID
  • -all to reset all SPUs in the system
  • -spa spaId to reset all the SPUs in the specific SPA identified by its SPA ID.

Include the -force option if you do not want to be prompted with a confirmation.

nzhw delete -id hwId [-force] Deletes the specified hardware component from the system database. The hardware component must have a role of Mismatched, Failed, or Inactive. A hardware component in any other role results in an error. A SPU or disk can be identified by its unique hardware ID.

Specify the hardware ID of the component that you want to delete. Include the -force option if you do not want to be prompted with a confirmation.

nzhw listTypes Displays a list of the valid hardware types that you can input for the nzhw show -type hardwareType command.
nzhw show [options] Displays information about the specified hardware components. If you do not specify any options, the command displays a list of every component in the system and its Type, Hardware ID (HW ID), Location, Role, and State. You can specify one or more options (described as follows) to show specific output.
nzhw show -caCertFile Specifies the path name of the root CA certificate file on the client system. This argument is used by Netezza Performance Server clients who use peer authentication to verify the Netezza Performance Server host system. The default value is NULL, which skips the peer authentication process.
nzhw show -securityLevel Specifies the security level that you want to use for the session. This option does not apply when you are logged in to the Netezza Performance Server system and running the command. The argument has four values:
This value is the default value. Specify this option when you would prefer an unsecured connection, but you accept a secured connection if the Netezza Performance Server system requires one.
Specify this option when you want a secured connection to the Netezza Performance Server system, but you accept an unsecured connection if the Netezza Performance Server system is configured to use only unsecured connections.
Specify this option when you want an unsecured connection to the Netezza Performance Server system. If the Netezza Performance Server system requires a secured connection, the connection is rejected.
Specify this option when you want a secured connection to the Netezza Performance Server system. If the Netezza Performance Server system accepts only unsecured connections, or if you are attempting to connect to a Netezza Performance Server system that is running a release before 4.5, the connection is rejected.
nzhw show -id hwId [-detail] Displays information only about the component with the specified hardware ID. Include the -detail option for more information such as serial number, hardware version, and more details.
nzhw show -spa [spa id] Displays information about the hardware components, which are owned by a particular S-Blade in SPA.
nzhw show -type hwType [-detail] Displays information only about the components of the specified hardware type. To display the supported hardware types, use the nzhw listTypes command.

If the system has no hardware of the specified type, or if the type is not supported, the command displays a message. Include the -detail option for more information such as serial number, hardware version, and more details.

nzhw show -issues [-detail] Displays information about hardware components that are reporting problems. The command displays a list of components to investigate and their Type, Hardware ID (HW ID), Location, Role, and State. Include the -detail option for more information such as serial number, hardware version, and more details.


The nzhw command takes the following options:
Table 2. The nzhw options
Option Description
-host hostname Specifies the hostname or IP address of the Netezza Performance Server system.
-u user Specifies the database username [NZ_USER].
-pw password Specifies the user password [NZ_PASSWORD].
-timeout secs Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait for the command to complete before it exits with a timeout error. Default is 300.


The nzhw command has the following description.
Privileges required
For nzhw show operations, your database user account does not require any special privileges. However, for nzhw commands to manage the hardware such as activate, deactivate, and others, your database user account must have Manage Hardware privilege.
Common tasks
Use the nzhw command is the primary command for managing and displaying information about the Netezza® system and its hardware components.

Failover information

When you use the nzhw command to fail over a component, the command checks the system and the affected component to make sure that the command is appropriate before proceeding. Currently, the command operates only on SPUs and disks.

For example, if you try to fail over an active component that does not have an available secondary component (such as SPUs that can take ownership of the data slices that are managed by the SPU that you want to fail over, or an active mirror for the disk that you want to fail over), the command returns an error. Similarly, if you try to fail over a component that is not highly available, the command returns an error.


The following provides some sample usage:
  • To activate a failed or mismatched SPU identified as ID 1003, use the following command:
    nzhw activate -id 1003 -u user -pw password
  • To fail over the SPU identified by hardware ID 1084, use the following command:
    nzhw failover -id 1084
  • To reset the SPU identified by hardware ID 1084, use the following command:
    nzhw reset -id 1084 
  • To reset all the SPUs in the SPA identified by ID 1002, use the following command:
    nzhw reset -spa 1002
  • To delete the disk that is identified by hardware ID 1081, use the following command:
    nzhw delete -id 1081
  • To show the hardware information for the system, use the following command:
    nzhw show 
    Description   HW ID Location              Role   State  Security
    ------------- ----- --------------------- ------ ------ ----------
    Rack           1001 rack1                 Active None   N/A
    SPA            1002 spa1                  Active None   N/A
    SPU            1003 spa1.spu7             Active Online N/A
    DiskEnclosure  1004 spa1.diskEncl4        Active Ok     N/A
    Fan            1005 spa1.diskEncl4.fan1   Active Ok     N/A
    Fan            1006 spa1.diskEncl4.fan2   Active Ok     N/A
    Fan            1007 spa1.diskEncl4.fan3   Active Ok     N/A
    Fan            1008 spa1.diskEncl4.fan4   Active Ok     N/A
    PowerSupply    1009 spa1.diskEncl4.pwr1   Active Ok     N/A
    PowerSupply    1010 spa1.diskEncl4.pwr2   Active Ok     N/A
    Disk           1011 spa1.diskEncl4.disk1  Active Ok     N/A
    Disk           1012 spa1.diskEncl4.disk2  Active Ok     N/A

    The sample output that is shown for this command is truncated for the documentation.

  • To show specific information for a component such as the SPUs, use the following command:
    nzhw show -type spu 
    Description HW ID Location   Role   State  Security
    ----------- ----- ---------- ------ ------ --------
    SPU          1003 spa1.spu7  Active Online N/A
    SPU          1080 spa1.spu1  Active Online N/A
    SPU          1081 spa1.spu3  Active Online N/A
    SPU          1082 spa1.spu11 Active Online N/A
    SPU          1084 spa1.spu5  Active Online N/A
    SPU          1085 spa1.spu9  Active Online N/A
  • To show the hardware issues that are reported for the system, use the following command:
    nzhw show -issues
    Type HW ID Location                    Role   State Security
    ---- ----- --------------------------- ------ ----- --------
    Disk  1041 rack1.spa1.diskEncl2.disk12 Failed Ok    N/A
  • To list the supported hardware types for the nzhw show -type hwType command, use the following command:
    nzhw listTypes
    Description          Type
    -------------------  --------
    rack                 rack
    spa                  spa
    spu                  spu
    diskenclosure        diskencl
    disk                 disk
    fan                  fan
    blower               blower
    power supply         pwr
    mm                   mm
    store group          storeGrp
    ethernet switch      ethsw
    host                 host
    SAS Controller       SASController
    host disk            hostDisk
    database accelerator dac