The nzevent command

You use the nzevent command to manage the alerts and triggers for problem and condition reporting.

Use the nzevent command to do any of the following tasks:
  • Show a list of event rules.
  • Copy a predefined template event rule and use it as your source to add a rule.
  • Modify an existing event rule or a copied predefined template.
  • Add an event rule.
  • Delete an event rule.
  • Generate events.


The nzevent command uses the following syntax:
nzevent [-h|-rev|-hc] subcmd [subcmd options]


The nzevent command takes the following inputs:
Table 1. The nzevent input options
Input Description
nzevent add options Adds an event rule.
nzevent copy options Copies a predefined template event rule or an existing event rule.
nzevent delete options Deletes an event rule.
nzevent generate options Generates an event.
nzevent listEventTypes options Lists the valid event types.
nzevent listNotifyTypes options Lists the notification types.
nzevent modify options Modifies an event rule.
nzevent show options Displays the event rules.


The nzevent command takes the following options:
Table 2. The nzevent options
Command Option Description
All nzevent commands -u user Specifies the database user name [NZ_USER].
-pw password Specifies the user password [NZ_PASSWORD].
-host name Specifies the host name or IP address [NZ_HOST].
-timeout secs Specifies the time to wait before it exits with a timeout error (default = 300). Does not apply to listEventTypes and listNotifyTypes.
nzevent add

nzevent copy

nzevent modify

-eventType type Specifies the event type for the event. For a list of the event types, see Table 1.
-eventArgsExpr expr Specifies the optional match expression for further filtering. For more information, see Table 1.
-name value If you are adding an event, specifies the event rule name. If you are copying an event, specifies the name of the event you are copying. If you are modifying an event, specifies the name of the event that you are changing.
-newname value If you are modifying or copying an event, specifies the name of the new event.
  -useTemplate If you are copying an existing event, uses the rule that is specified with the -name option as a template for this new rule.
  -notifyType type Specifies the type of notification to generate for this event. The notify types are email and runCmd. Starting from, the notify types are email, runCmd, and platform.
  -dst value Specifies the notification destination (notify-type specific). For email, it is the email address. For runCmd, it is the full path of the command or command file to run.
  -ccDst value Specifies additional notification destinations (email only).
  -msg string Specifies the notification message to send. For email, this is the subject string and cannot be blank. For runCmd, this is the argument for -msg parameter.
  -bodyText string Specifies more text to send with the notification message.
  -callHome bool Specifies whether to append system information to the notification message. For email, the system sends /nz/kit/data/config/callHome.txt as an attachment. This file contains customer information such as company, address, contact, and system information such as model number, and serial number. For runCmd, the system passes the file path to the command.
  -on bool Enables or disables processing for this rule.
  -eventAggrCount int Specifies the number of events to aggregate (email events only). You can specify a number from 1 - 1000.
nzevent delete -force Does not prompt for confirmation.
-name rule_name Deletes the event rule <rule_name>.
nzevent generate -eventType type Generates the specified type of event. For a list of the event types, see Table 1.
-eventArgs expr Specifies a list of one or more optional event arguments (<tag>=<value>, ...).
-force Flushes all aggregate events and sends a notification (email only).
nzevent show -name rule_name Displays only the event rule corresponding to the rule_name. If you do not specify a name, the command displays all event rules.
-syntax Displays the rule in CLI syntax.
-maxColW chars Specifies the maximum number of characters to print in each output table column. The default is 24 characters.
-orient type You can specify the output display. The value values are
Displays the event types in a table.
Displays each event as a complete record.
Selects the display that is based on the number of rows.
  -caCertFile path Specifies the path name of the root CA certificate file on the client system. This argument is used by Netezza Performance Server clients who use peer authentication to verify the Netezza Performance Server host system. The default value is NULL, which skips the peer authentication process.
  -securityLevel level Specifies the security level that you want to use for the session. This option does not apply when you are logged in to the Netezza Performance Server system and running the command. The argument has four values:
This value is the default value. Specify this option when you would prefer an unsecured connection, but you accept a secured connection if the Netezza Performance Server system requires one.
Specify this option when you want a secured connection to the Netezza Performance Server system, but you accept an unsecured connection if the Netezza Performance Server system is configured to use only unsecured connections.
Specify this option when you want an unsecured connection to the Netezza Performance Server system. If the Netezza Performance Server system requires a secured connection, the connection is rejected.
Specify this option when you want a secured connection to the Netezza Performance Server system. If the Netezza Performance Server system accepts only unsecured connections, or if you are attempting to connect to a Netezza Performance Server system that is running a release before 4.5, the connection is rejected.


The nzevent command does the following:
Privileges required
Your database user account must have Manage System privilege.
Common tasks
Use the nzevent command to set the preconfigured event rules, and to create your own event rules.


The following provides some sample usage:
  • To add an event rule, enter:
    nzevent add -name Newrule -u admin -pw password -host nzhost -on 
    yes -eventType sysStateChanged -eventArgsExpr ‘$previousState == 
    online && $currentState != online’ -notifyType email -dst -msg ‘NPS system $HOST went from $previousState to 
    $currentState at $eventTimestamp.’ -bodyText 
  • To copy a template event rule from the template table to the user-modifiable table, enter:
    nzevent copy -u admin -pw password -useTemplate -name 
    HostNoLongerOnline -on yes -dst
  • To delete an event rule, enter:
    nzevent delete -u admin -pw password -host nzhost -name Newrule
  • To generate an event rule, enter:
    nzevent generate -u admin -pw password -host nzhost -eventtype 
    custom1 -eventArgs ‘customType=tooManySessions, numSessions=<n>’
  • To list event types, enter:
    nzevent listEventTypes
  • To list notification types, enter:
    nzevent listNotifyTypes
  • To modify an existing event rule, enter:
    nzevent modify -u admin -pw password -host nzhost -name Newrule -on 
    yes -dst
  • To display a specific event rule, enter:
    nzevent show -u admin -pw password -host nzhost -name Newrule
  • To display event rules vertically, enter:
    nzevent show -u admin -pw password -host nzhost -orient vertical