The nzconvertsyscase command

Use the nzconvertsyscase command to convert the system to the opposite case, for example from uppercase to lowercase or vice versa.

Your database must be offline when you use this command (that is, use nzstop first to stop the system).


The nzconvertsyscase command uses the following syntax:
nzconvertsyscase [-h |-rev] [options]


The nzconvertsyscase command takes the following inputs:
Table 1. The nzconvertsyscase input options
Input Description
nzconvertsyscase -D Specifies the data directory. Required.
nzconvertsyscase -l Converts the system to lowercase character strings.
nzconvertsyscase -u Converts the system to uppercase character strings
nzconvertsyscase -v Validates the conversion without making any changes. Use this option to check for duplicate names.
nzconvertsyscase -L Logs the command message output to the nzconvertsyscase log file. The default is nzconvertsyscase.log.
Important: You must specify either -l or -u. If you do not specify either option, the command displays an error. After you convert your system, you must rebuild all views and synonyms in every database.


The nzconvertsyscase command does the following:
Privileges required
You must be the system administrator.
Common tasks
Use the nzconvertsyscase command to convert from one default case to another. The command uses the values in the objdelim and attdelim fields in the system tables _t_object and _t_attribute to determine whether the identifiers are converted or retained. The script converts only the names of objects and attributes that are created as regular identifiers. It does not convert delimited identifiers.
Note: If you want to convert the identifier case within a database to the opposite of the default system case, contact Netezza Performance Server Support.


The following provides sample usage:
  • To convert to lowercase, enter:
    nzconvertsyscase -l -D /nz/data
  • To convert to uppercase, enter:
    nzconvertsyscase -u -D /nz/data
  • To validate the conversion, enter:
    nzconvertsyscase -v -u -D /nz/data