Customer service troubleshooting commands

Occasionally, Customer Service might ask you to use commands that are in the /nz/kit/bin/adm directory. These commands are low-level diagnostic commands that can be run only on the host and require administrative privileges.

Do not run these commands unless explicitly directed to do so by Netezza Performance Server Customer Service. Running these commands without supervision can result in system crashes, data loss, or data corruption.
The following table describes some of the more common commands in the bin/adm directory. These commands are divided into the following categories:
Running the command causes no damage, crashes, or unpredictable behavior.
Running the command with some switches can cause no harm, but with other switches can cause damage.
Running the command can cause data corruption or a crash.
These commands are unsupported commands and they have not been as rigorously tested as the user commands.
Table 1. Diagnostic commands
Command Usage Description
nzconvertsyscase Unsafe Converts the Netezza Performance Server system to the opposite case, for example, from upper to lowercase. For more information, see The nzconvertsyscase command.
nzdumpschema Safe Dumps a database schema and some statistics information. This command is useful when you are attempting to understand a class of query optimization issues. For more information, see The nzdumpschema command.
nzlogmerge Safe Merges multiple system log files in to a chronological sequence. For more information, see The nzlogmerge command.
nzdbg Unsafe Enables system diagnostic messages. Although many invocations of this command are safe, some invocations can cause your system to crash.
nzdumpcat Unsafe Dumps the system catalog information. This command can damage the system catalog if used carelessly.
nzdumpmem Unsafe Dumps various database shared-memory data structures. Although many invocations of this command are safe, some invocations can cause your system to crash.
nzdumptxjournal Unsafe Dumps information about the transaction log used by the database. Although many invocations of this command are safe, some invocations can cause your system to fail.
toporegen Unsafe Internal command that is used when system recovery is required. Running this command results in data loss.
nzpush Unsafe Provides low-level access to the Linux-based SPUs. Running this command can cause the system to crash or data to be lost.
client Dangerous Internal command that runs low-level diagnostic tests.
cliqa Dangerous Internal command that runs low-level diagnostic tests.
clitest Dangerous Internal command that runs low-level diagnostic tests.
nzinitsystem Dangerous Reinitializes the system. Use this command only when it is necessary to reset a system to a factory-default level. Running this command on an operational system results in data loss. For more information, see The nzinitsystem command.
nzloadcat Dangerous Loads a database catalog. This command is used in system recovery.
nzmakedatakit Dangerous Used internally by the system during upgrade and downgrade. Running this command can produce unexpected results.
nzresetxlog Dangerous Resets the database transaction log. Running this command can cause data corruption.
nzsqa Dangerous Internal command that runs low-level diagnostic tests. Documentation nzlogmerge uses some GPL components.