Session variables

You can use some session variables as nzload command options.

The session variables are follows:
Specifies that a simple load using external tables can continue after the system was paused and resumed. Valid values are 1, 0, true, or false.
Specifies the number of restarts that are allowed for load continuation.
Specifies the maximum allowed size of the log file, in MB.
For Netezza® systems that run Release 7.0.3 or later that support multiple schemas in a database, specifies the schema into which data should be loaded. The NZ_SCHEMA value can be helpful if you must support loads into Release 7.0.3 multiple schema systems and systems that do not support multiple schemas. You can keep the same nzload commands, set the NZ_SCHEMA session variable when connecting to multiple schema systems, and unset the variable before using the load scripts with single-schema systems.