nzload command log files

There are two nzload command log files: nzlog and nzbad.

The system appends to the nzlog file for every nzload command that loads the same table into the same database. The system names the nzlog file according to the table and the database names and uses the extension .nzlog. Consider the following example:
nzload -u admin -pw password -t member_profile -db dev –schema sales -maxErrors 10 -delim '\t'
In this example, the file name is The -maxErrors option allows the nzload command to continue processing until 10 errors are found. The -delim '\t' option specifies the TAB delimiter.

The nzbad file contains any record that had an error. In the case of the previous sample command, the file name is Unlike the system behavior for the nzlog file, the system overwrites the nzbad file each time that you run the nzload command for the same table and database name.