Examples of the nzrestore command

Deployment options: Netezza Performance Server for Cloud Pak for Data System Netezza Performance Server for Cloud Pak for Data

The following are several examples of the nzrestore command.

  • To restore the database db1 from the /home/user/backups directory.
    nzrestore -db db1 -u user -pw password -dir /home/user/backups -v
    [Restore Server] : Starting the restore process
    [Restore Server] : Reading schema from 
    [Restore Server] : Restoring schema
    [Restore Server] : Start restoring the data, compressed format.
    [Restore Server] : Restoring data from 
    [Restore Server] : Restoring AAA
    [Restore Server] : Restoring BBB
    [Restore Server] : Restoring sales %
    [Restore Server] : Restoring views, users, groups, permissions
    Restore of increment 1 from backupset 20090116125619 to database 
    'DB1' committed.
  • To restore only the schema (objects and user permissions, but not the table and view data) of db1 to a new, empty database that is named new_db1.
    nzrestore -db new_db1 -sourcedb db1 -noData -u user -pw 
    password -dir /home/user/backups
  • To restore the users, groups, and privileges in the system catalog.
    nzrestore -globals -u user -pw password -dir /home/user/backups

    This command restores the users, groups, and global privileges as defined in the system catalog. If a user or group currently exists in the system catalog, the command grants any additional privileges as defined in the backup. The command does not revoke any current privileges that are not also defined in the backup.

  • To list all of the objects such as tables, synonyms, user-defined objects, and others that were saved in a database backup, use the nzrestore -contents command as follows.
    nzrestore -contents -db dev -dir /net/backupsvr/nzbackups 
              Database: TPCH_TEST 
                     List of relations
        Oid    |      Type      |      Name
     210854    | SEQUENCE       | MY_SEQ
     203248    | TABLE          | NATION
     203264    | TABLE          | REGION
     203278    | TABLE          | PART
     203304    | TABLE          | SUPPLIER
     203326    | TABLE          | PARTSUPP
     203344    | TABLE          | CUSTOMER
     203368    | TABLE          | ORDERS
     203394    | TABLE          | LINEITEM
     210853    | SYNONYM        | MY_ORDERS
  • If a restore operation fails or is canceled, the target database might remain in a locked state. You can use the -unlockdb option of the command to unlock the target database.
    nzrestore -db myrestoredb -unlockdb