Displaying information about databases and objects
Use nzsql slash commands to display information about databases and objects.
The following table describes the slash commands that
display information about objects or privileges within the database,
or within the schema if the system supports multiple schemas.
Command | Description |
\d <object> | Describe the named object such as a table, view, or sequence |
\da[+] | List user-defined aggregates. Specify + for more detailed information. |
\df[+] | List user-defined functions. Specify + for more detailed information. |
\de | List temp tables. |
\dg | List groups (both user and resource groups) except _ADMIN_. |
\dG | List user groups and their members. |
\dGr | List resource groups to which at least one user has been assigned, including _ADMIN_, and the users assigned to them. |
\di | List indexes. |
\dm | List materialized views |
\ds | List sequences. |
\dt | List tables. |
\dv | List views. |
\dx | List external tables. |
\dy | List synonyms. |
\dSi | List system indexes. |
\dSs | List system sequences. |
\dSt | List system tables. |
\dSv | List system views. |
\dMi | List system management indexes. |
\dMs | List system management sequences. |
\dMt | List system management tables. |
\dMv | List system management views. |
\dp <user> | List the privileges that were granted to a user either directly or by membership in a user group. |
\dpg <group> | List the privileges that were granted to a user group. |
\dpu <user> | List the privileges that were granted to a user directly and not by membership in a user group. |
\du | List users. |
\dU | List users who are members of at least one user group and the groups of which each is a member. |