Backup History report

Deployment options: Netezza Performance Server for Cloud Pak for Data System Netezza Performance Server for Cloud Pak for Data

Use the Backup History report to view information about the recent backups. You can use the report to display information about all of the backups that were run from the host system.

You can access the Backup History report by using the nzbackup -history command. This section describes how to use the nzbackup command.

Your user account must have appropriate permissions to view backup history for databases:
  • If you are the admin user, you can view all entries in the backup history list.
  • If you are not the admin user, you can view entries if you are the database owner, or if you have backup or restore privileges for the database.
The following is the syntax to display the backup history for a database:
nzbackup -history -db name
Database Backupset      Seq # OpType  Status    Date                Log File    
-------- -------------- ----- ------- --------- ------------------- ----------------------
SQLEXT   20090109155818 1     FULL    COMPLETED 2009-01-09 10:58:18 backupsvr.9598.2009-01-09.log

You can further refine your results by using the -db and -connector options, or use the -v option for more information. You use the -db option to see only the history of a specified database.

The command displays the following information:
Table 1. Backup history source
Column Description
Database The name of the backup database.
Backup Set The unique value that identifies the backup set.
Seq.No The sequence number that identifies the increment within the backup set.
Op Type The type of backup (full, differential, cumulative, globals, no data, or users).
Date The date and time that the backup was initiated.
Status The status (completed, failed, in-progress).
Log file The name of the log file.