Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM) server on Linux

Deployment options: Netezza Performance Server for Cloud Pak for Data System

Learn how to install the Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM) server on the Linux system.

Before you begin

To install the TSM server, ensure that you have a Linux box with RHEL 7.x.
  1. Do not install the TSM server is on IBM Cloud Pak for Data System.
  2. If you have any issues when you're installing and or setting up TSM, contact TSM Support.


  1. Install the TSM server:
    1. Download TSM/IBM Spectrum Protect from Fix Central and save it on the server system. For example:
    2. As root, unpack the installation package:
      [root@~ ~]# ./
    3. Run the script to start the installation:
      [root@~ ~]# ./
    4. Select the software packages for installation:
      1. Type 1 to start installing the packages:
        =====> IBM Installation Manager
             1. Install - Install software packages
        -----> 1
      2. Type [C] 1 to select the IBM Spectrum Protect server package for installation:
        =====> IBM Installation Manager> Install
        Select packages to install:
             1. [ ] IBM Spectrum Protect server
             2. [ ] IBM Spectrum Protect languages
             3. [ ] IBM Spectrum Protect storage agent
             4. [ ] IBM Spectrum Protect device driver
             5. [ ] IBM Spectrum Protect Operations Center 8.1.10000.20200519_112
             C. Cancel
        -----> [C] 1
        Type 1 to choose the version for installation:
        =====> IBM Installation Manager> Install> Select
        IBM Spectrum Protect server
             1. Choose version for installation.
             2. Show all available versions of the package.
             C. Cancel
        -----> [1]
      3. Type [N] 2 to select the IBM Spectrum Protect languages package for installation:
        =====> IBM Installation Manager> Install
        Select packages to install:
             1. [X] IBM Spectrum Protect server
             2. [ ] IBM Spectrum Protect languages
             3. [ ] IBM Spectrum Protect storage agent
             4. [ ] IBM Spectrum Protect device driver
             5. [ ] IBM Spectrum Protect Operations Center 8.1.10000.20200519_1120
             O. Check for Other Versions, Fixes, and Extensions
             N. Next,      C. Cancel
        -----> [N] 2
      4. Type 1 to select the version for installation:
        =====> IBM Installation Manager> Install> Select
        IBM Spectrum Protect languages
             1. Choose version for installation.
             2. Show all available versions of the package.
             C. Cancel
        -----> [1]
      5. To select packages 3, 4, and 5 tor installation, repeat the steps.
      6. After you selected all of the packages, type N:
        =====> IBM Installation Manager> Install
        Select packages to install:
             1. [X] IBM Spectrum Protect server
             2. [X] IBM Spectrum Protect languages
             3. [X] IBM Spectrum Protect storage agent
             4. [X] IBM Spectrum Protect device driver
             5. [X] IBM Spectrum Protect Operations Center 8.1.10000.20200519_1120
             O. Check for Other Versions, Fixes, and Extensions
             N. Next,      C. Cancel
        -----> [N]
    5. Type 11090 to specify a secure https port:
      Specify the secure communication settings - Secure (https) port
      -----> [11090]
    6. and set a password of your choice:
      ---- Create password
      Password length:
               - Minimum: 6 characters
               - Maximum: 64 characters
               The password must contain at least:
               - One uppercase letter (A - Z)
               - One lowercase letter (a - z)
               - One digit (0 - 9)
               - Two non-alphanumeric characters: ~ # $ % ^ @ * _ - + =  | ( ) { } [ ] : ; < > , . ? /
      Create password
      Confirm password
    7. Type 1 to select the product that you purchased:
      ---- Configuration for IBM Spectrum Protect server
      Select the product that you purchased:
           1. IBM Spectrum Protect
           2. IBM Spectrum Protect Extended Edition
           3. IBM Spectrum Protect for Data Retention
      -----> 1
    8. Read and accept IBM Spectrum Protect - Software License Agreement and IBM Spectrum Protect - Non-IBM Terms.
      Type the number that is assigned to each license to read it, and type A to accept the terms:
      Read the following license agreements carefully.
      View a license agreement by entering the number:
           1. IBM Spectrum Protect - Software License Agreement
           2. IBM Spectrum Protect - Non-IBM Terms
           A. [ ] I accept the terms in the license agreements.
           D. [ ] I do not accept the terms in the license agreements.
      -----> A
      Read the following license agreements carefully.
      View a license agreement by entering the number:
           1. IBM Spectrum Protect - Software License Agreement
           2. IBM Spectrum Protect - Non-IBM Terms
           A. [X] I accept the terms in the license agreements.
           D. [ ] I do not accept the terms in the license agreements.
    9. Read and accept IBM Spectrum Protect for Storage Area Networks - Software License Agreement and IBM Spectrum Protect for Storage Area Networks - Non-IBM Terms.
      Type the number that is assigned to each license to read it, and type A to accept the terms:
      ---- Configuration for IBM Spectrum Protect storage agent
      Read the following license agreements carefully.
      View a license agreement by entering the number:
           1. IBM Spectrum Protect for Storage Area Networks - Software License Agreement
           2. IBM Spectrum Protect for Storage Area Networks - Non-IBM Terms
           A. [ ] I accept the terms in the license agreements.
           D. [ ] I do not accept the terms in the license agreements.
      -----> A
      Read the following license agreements carefully.
      View a license agreement by entering the number:
           1. IBM Spectrum Protect for Storage Area Networks - Software License Agreement
           2. IBM Spectrum Protect for Storage Area Networks - Non-IBM Terms
           A. [X] I accept the terms in the license agreements.
           D. [ ] I do not accept the terms in the license agreements.
    10. Type N to proceed to the installation screen:
           B. Back,      N. Next,      C. Cancel
      -----> [N]
    11. Type I to install the packages:
      =====> IBM Installation Manager> Install> Prerequisites> Shared Directory>
        Location> Features> Custom panels> Summary
      Target Location:
        Package Group Name         :  IBM Spectrum Protect
        Installation Directory     :  /opt/tivoli/tsm
        Shared Resources Directory :  /opt/IBM/IBMIMShared
      Packages to be installed:
              IBM Spectrum Protect server
              IBM Spectrum Protect languages
              IBM Spectrum Protect storage agent
              IBM Spectrum Protect device driver
              IBM Spectrum Protect Operations Center 8.1.10000.20200519_1120
           G. Generate an Installation Response File
           B. Back,      I. Install,      C. Cancel
      -----> [I]
                       25%                50%                75%                100%
    12. When the packages are installed, type [F] V to view message details:
      =====> IBM Installation Manager> Install> Prerequisites> Shared Directory>
        Location> Features> Custom panels> Summary> Completion
           V. View Message Details
           F. Finish
      -----> [F] V
    13. Type O to hide details
      INFORMATION: The IBM Spectrum Protect Operations Center is now installed.  You can access it at the following URL:
      O. OK,      D. Hide Details
      -----> [O]
    14. Type F to finish installing the TSM server:
      =====> IBM Installation Manager> Install> Prerequisites> Shared Directory>
        Location> Features> Custom panels> Summary> Completion
           V. View Message Details
           F. Finish
      -----> [F]
  2. Set up the TSM Installation Manager:
    1. Create a group:
      groupadd tsmsrvrs
    2. Add a user to the group:
      useradd -g tsmsrvrs tsminst1
    3. Set a password for the user:
      passwd tsminst1
      # passwd tsminst1
      Changing password for user tsminst1.
      New password:
      Retype new password:
      passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.
    4. Log in to tsminst1 and create a directory:
      # su - tsminst1
      $ pwd
      $ mkdir /home/tsminst1/tsminst1
      $ mkdir tsm71_storage
      $ cd tsm71_storage
      $ mkdir tsm71_storage;mkdir tsmarchlog;mkdir tsmarchlogfailover;mkdir tsmdb001;mkdir tsmdb002;mkdir tsmdb003;mkdir tsmdb004;mkdir tsmlog;mkdir tsmlogmirror;mkdir tsminst1;
      $ ls
      tsm71_storage  tsmarchlog  tsmarchlogfailover  tsmdb001  tsmdb002  tsmdb003  tsmdb004  tsminst1  tsmlog  tsmlogmirror
      $ pwd
      $ logout
      # groupadd nz
      # useradd -g nz nz
      # chown nz:nz /opt/IBM
    5. As root, create a db2 instance:
      /opt/tivoli/tsm/db2/instance/db2icrt -a server -u tsminst1 tsminst1
      # /opt/tivoli/tsm/db2/instance/db2icrt -a server -u tsminst1 tsminst1
      DBI1070I  Program db2icrt completed successfully.
    6. Update the default database path:
      su - tsminst1
      /opt/tivoli/tsm/db2/bin/db2 update dbm cfg using dftdbpath /home/tsminst1
      export PATH=/opt/tivoli/tsm/db2/bin:$PATH
      db2 update dbm cfg using dftdbpath /home/tsminst1
    7. Copy dsmserv.opt.smp to /home/tsminst1 and format dsmserv:
      cp -rp /opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/dsmserv.opt.smp /home/tsminst1/dsmserv.opt
      dsmserv -i /home/tsminst1/tsminst1  format dbdir=/home/tsminst1/tsm71_storage/tsmdb001 activelogdir=/home/tsminst1/tsm71_storage/tsmlog archlogdir=/home/tsminst1/tsm71_storage/tsmarchlog
      Example output:
      ANR0152I Database manager successfully started.
      ANR2976I Offline DB backup for database TSMDB1 started.
      ANR2974I Offline DB backup for database TSMDB1 completed successfully.
      ANR0992I Server's database formatting complete.
      ANR0369I Stopping the database manager because of a server shutdown.
    8. Go to the tsminst1 directory and start the dsmserv service:
      cd /home/tsminst1/tsminst1
  3. Set up the dsmserv service.
    Run the commands in the dsmserv prompt:
    1. Set the server name:
      set servername CHOOSE_NAME
      set servername SQA_TSM_SERVER
    2. Register tsminst1:
      register admin tsminst1 tsminst1
    3. Grant authority to tsminst1:
      grant authority tsminst1 classes=system
    4. Set the server password:
      set serverpassword server_console
    5. Stop dsmserv:
    6. Start dsmserv again:
  4. Create a domain, policy set, and activate the newly created policy.
    Run the commands from the dsmserv prompt.
    Change the names that are used in the commands as per your requirements.
    1. Copy the domain:
      copy domain standard NETEZZA
    2. Update the copy group:
      update copygroup NETEZZA standard standard standard type=backup verexists=10
    3. Validate the policy set:
      validate policyset NETEZZA standard
    4. Activate the policy set:
      activate policyset NETEZZA standard
    5. Register the node :
      register node netezza1 domain=NETEZZA is the IP address where the client is installed.
    6. Register node:
      register node netezza1 domain=NETEZZA
    7. Grant proxy node:
      grant proxynode agent= target=
    8. Grant proxy node:
      grant proxynode agent= target=
    9. Define the storage pool:
      define stgpool NETEZZA disk maxsize=800G
      maxsize specifies the maximum size for a physical file that the server can storage in the storage pool.
    10. Define volume based on the external mount name and path:
      define volume BACKUPPOOL /external_mnt/SAN/backup formatsize=800000
    11. Display the defined volumes:
      q vol
    12. Display the defined nodes:
      q node
    13. Change the path based on the external mount name and path.
      You can define multiple volumes based on the available size and requirement.
      define volume BACKUPPOOL /external_mnt/SAN/backup formatsize=800000
    14. Display the defined nodes:
      q node