Command file
Deployment options: Netezza Performance Server for Cloud Pak for Data System
For each nzbackup operation, you must create a specific command file that
contains the backup command instructions. Logged in as the root user, create the command files under
the directory /nsr/res, and name each file
[backup_group].res by using any text editor. Include content
like that in the following example. Content varies depending on backup operation
type: savepnpc;
precmd: "/nz/kit/bin/nzbackup -u <userid> -pw <password> -db <name_
of_database_to_backup> -connector networker -connectorArgs NSR -v”;
pstcmd: "echo bye", "/bin/sleep 5";
timeout: "12:00:00";
abort precmd with group: No;
The entire precmd
entry, up to the semi-colon, must be on a single line.