Steps after changing LDAP BINDPW

After you change LDAP BINDPW, you must run the SET AUTHENTICATION LDAP command again with updated bindpw.

nzsql -c " SET AUTHENTICATION LDAP BASE 'dc=nzdevelopment,dc=com' NAMECASE lowercase SERVER 'AD_SERVER' SSL 'OFF' BINDPW <updatedBindPW> BINDDN 'cn=ad_admin_user1,cn=Users,dc=nzdevelopment,dc=com' ATTRNAME 'sAMAccountName';"
Valid characters for BINDPW
@ # * @ % $ + - / [ ] { } ~ _ . : ? ^ , =
Valid password examples: pwd7745@nz, Netezza2*pwd
Invalid characters for BINDPW
! \ ( ) & ; ' " < > | `
Invalid password examples : pwd7!nz, Netezza|pwd