Remote initialization
Initialization functions related to Remote AEs.
They are used to:
- Create a connection point.
- Listen using that connection point.
- Accept a Data Connection API handle or accept an AE Environment.
Data structures
- The ConnectionPoint Handle. An opaque handle used with Connection Point AE functions.
- The Remote Protocol Handle. An opaque handle used with Remote Protocol AE functions.
- struct NzaeremprotInitialization
- Initializes a Remote AE Notification Connection.
- NzaeRemprotCallback
- Callback typedef.
- NzaeRemprotRcCode nzaeRemprotAcceptApi(NZAEREMPROT_HANDLE handle, NzaeApi *result)
- Returns an AE API Handle from the connection point.
- NzaeRemprotRcCode nzaeRemprotAcceptApiWithTimeout(NZAEREMPROT_HANDLE handle, int timeoutMilliseconds, NzaeApi *result)
- Returns an AE API Handle from the connection point.
- NzaeRemprotRcCode nzaeRemprotAcceptEnvironment(NZAEREMPROT_HANDLE handle, NZAEENV_HANDLE *result)
- Returns an AE Environment from the connection point.
- NzaeRemprotRcCode nzaeRemprotAcceptEnvironmentWithTimeout(NZAEREMPROT_HANDLE handle, int timeoutMilliseconds, NZAEENV_HANDLE *result)
- Returns an AE Environment from the connection point.
- void nzaeRemprotClose(NZAEREMPROT_HANDLE handle)
- Closes a listener.
- NzaeRemprotRcCode nzaeRemprotCreateListener(NzaeremprotInitialization *args)
- Creates a new listener on a connection point.
- void nzaeRemprotFreeResources(NZAEREMPROT_HANDLE handle)
- Releases resources such as handles and memory without shutting down the underlying communication connection.
- int nzaeRemprotGetAcceptSocket(NZAEREMPROT_HANDLE handle
- Returns the socket used to accept Remprot commands.
- NzaeRemprotCallback nzaeRemprotGetCallback(NZAEREMPROT_HANDLE handle, void **userContext)
- Gets the Remote protocol Callback. A remote protocol handler function is used to handle remote commands such as stop and status.
- NzaeApiTypes nzaeRemprotGetEnvironmentApiType(NZAEENV_HANDLE hEnv)
- Gets the API type from the environment.
- char* nzaeRemprotGetLastErrorText(NZAEREMPROT_HANDLE handle)
- Gets the text of the last error.
- int32_t nzaeRemprotGetRemoteDataSliceId()
- Gets the remote name from the environment.
- int32_t nzaeRemprotGetRemoteSessionId()
- Gets the remote session ID from the environment.
- int64_t nzaeRemprotGetRemoteTransactionId()
- Gets the remote transaction ID from the environment.
- int nzaeRemprotIsError(NZAEREMPROT_HANDLE handle)
- Returns TRUE if an error has occurred; FALSE if not.
- void nzaeRemprotSetCallback(NZAEREMPROT_HANDLE handle, NzaeRemprotCallback call-back, void *userContext)
- Sets the Remote Protocol Callback. A remote protocol handler function is used to handle re-mote commands such as stop and status.
- NzaeRemprotRcCode nzaeRemprotWaitForPingOrStop(NZAEREMPROT_HANDLE handle, int *bStopCommand)
- Waits for ping or stop.
- Remote AE Messages. Only NZAE_REMPROT_CMD_STATUS, NZAE_REMPROT_CMD_STOP, NZAE_REMPROT_CMD_SIGNAL, and NZAE_REMPROT_CMD_CONTROL_DATA are received by a user call back function.
- Remote Protocol return codes.
Detailed descriptions
Initialization functions related to Remote AEs. They are used to:
- Create a connection point.
- Listen using that connection point.
- Accept a Data Connection API handle or accept an AE Environment.
Type documentation
- typedef int(* NzaeRemprotCallback)(void *userContext, int code, int dataLen, const char *data, NzaeRemprotCallbackResult *result)
- Callback typedef.
Function documentation
- NzaeRemprotRcCode nzaeRemprotAcceptApi(NZAEREMPROT_HANDLE handle, NzaeApi *result)
- Returns an AE API Handle from the connection point.
- NzaeRemprotRcCode nzaeRemprotAcceptApiWithTimeout(NZAEREMPROT_HANDLE handle, int timeoutMilliseconds, NzaeApi *result)
- Returns an AE API Handle from the connection point.
- NzaeRemprotRcCode nzaeRemprotAcceptEnvironment(NZAEREMPROT_HANDLE handle, NZAEENV_HANDLE *result)
- Returns an AE Environment from the connection point.
- NzaeRemprotRcCode nzaeRemprotAcceptEnvironmentWith- Timeout(NZAEREMPROT_HANDLE handle, int timeoutMilliseconds, NZAEENV_HANDLE *result)
- Returns an AE Environment from the connection point.
- void nzaeRemprotClose(NZAEREMPROT_HANDLE handle)
- Closes a listener.
- NzaeRemprotRcCode nzaeRemprotCreateListener(NzaeremprotInitialization *args)
- Creates a new listener on a connection point.
- void nzaeRemprotFreeResources(NZAEREMPROT_HANDLE handle)
- Releases resources such as handles and memory without shutting down the underlying communication connection.
- int nzaeRemprotGetAcceptSocket(NZAEREMPROT_HANDLE handle)
- Returns the socket used to accept Remprot commands.
- NzaeRemprotCallback nzaeRemprotGetCallback(NZAEREMPROT_HANDLE handle, void **userContext)
- Gets the Remote protocol Callback. A remote protocol handler function is used to handle re-mote commands such as stop and status.
- NzaeApiTypes nzaeRemprotGetEnvironmentApiType(NZAEENV_HANDLE hEnv)
- Gets the API type from the environment.
- char* nzaeRemprotGetLastErrorText(NZAEREMPROT_HANDLE handle)
- Gets the API type from the environment.
- int32_t nzaeRemprotGetRemoteDataSliceId
- Gets the remote dataslice ID from the environment.
- const char* nzaeRemprotGetRemoteName()
- Gets the remote name from the environment.
- int32_t nzaeRemprotGetRemoteSessionId()
- Gets the remote session ID from the environment.
- int64_t nzaeRemprotGetRemoteTransactionId()
- Gets the remote transaction ID from the environment.
- int nzaeRemprotIsError(NZAEREMPROT_HANDLE handle)
- Returns TRUE if an error has occurred; FALSE if not.
- void nzaeRemprotSetCallback(NZAEREMPROT_HANDLE handle, NzaeRemprotCallback callback, void *userContext)
- Sets the Remote Protocol Callback. A remote protocol handler function is used to handle remote com-mands such as stop and status.
- NzaeRemprotRcCode nzaeRemprotWaitForPingOrStop(NZAEREMPROT_HANDLE handle, int *bStop-Command)
- Waits for ping or stop.
Enumeration type documentation
- enum NzaeRemprotCmd
- Remote AE Messages. Only NZAE_REMPROT_CMD_STATUS, NZAE_REMPROT_CMD_STOP, NZAE_REMPROT_CMD_SIGNAL, and NZAE_REMPROT_CMD_CONTROL_DATA are received by a user call back function.
- The Remote AE is queried for status. Status data may be re-turned.
- The Remote AE is being stopped.
- The Remote AE is being sent control data. Data may be returned.
- The Remote AE has received a supported signal.
- enum NzaeRemprotRcCode
- Remote Protocol return codes.