Installing Netezza Performance Server Analytics cartridges

Learn how to install and register Netezza Performance Server Analytics cartridges in either attended or unattended mode.

Attended installation

To install and register Netezza Performance Server Analytics cartridges in attended mode, run the Netezza Performance Server Analytics cartridge installer (nzcm). Select the custom option to install a subset of the cartridges, or the express option to install all the cartridges.

Unattended installation

You can run an unattended installation of the Netezza Performance Server Analytics package by using the script. An unattended installation does not require any user interaction.
  • This installation script always installs the latest version of the Netezza Performance Server Analytics package or .zip file in the current directory.
  • The installation script does not install the documentation; you must install the documentation manually.
  • To keep the output for the unattended installation, you can redirect this output to a file.

Before you begin

Ensure that you configured the nzpassword utility. For more information, see The nzpassword command.

To start the unattended installation by using a script, do the following steps:
  1. Ensure that the active user on the host is nz.
  2. Use the unzip command (not the gunzip command) to extract the nz-analytics-v<version>.zip file or ips-analytics-v<version>.zip for 11.X and later versions.
  3. To execute the installation script, enter the following command from the command line:
    ./ -s
    Netezza Performance Server Analytics is installed in the unattended installation mode. During this installation, all the default values are used.