Sample aggregated email messages

The aggregated email describes the number of messages that are aggregated and the time interval for the event rule.

The body of the message lists the messages by time, with the earliest events first. The Reporting Interval indicates whether the notification trigger was the count or time interval. The Activity Duration indicates the time interval between the first and last event so that you can determine the granularity of the events.

For example, the following aggregation is for the Memory ECC event:
Subject: NPS nzdev1 : 2 occurrences of Memory ECC Error from 11-Jun-07 
18:41:59 PDT over 2 minutes. 

Date: Sun, 11 Jun 2007 18:44:05 PDT
From: NPS Event Manager <>
Reply-To: NPS Event Manager <>

To: Jane Doe
Message Header
Host               : nzdev1.
Event              : Memory ECC Error.
Event Rule Detail .
Start              : 06-11-07 18:41:59.
Reporting Interval : 2 minutes.
Activity Duration  : 00:00:05.
Number of events   : 2.
Message Details
1 hwType=spu, hwId=1002, spaId=1, spaSlot=4, errType=2, 
errCode=12,devSerial=040908061230, devHwRev=5.20814r1.20806r1, 
devFwRev=3.0B1 BLD[4428], eventSource=System initiated, Memory ECC 
Error on 06-11-07 18:42:05 PDT
2 hwType=spu, hwId=1002, spaId=1, spaSlot=4, errType=2, errCode=12, 
devSerial=040908061230, devHwRev=5.20814r1.20806r1, devFwRev=3.0B1 
BLD[4428], eventSource=System initiated, Memory ECC Error on 06-11-07 
18:42:10 PDT