Mounting NFS share to the host container

Deployment options: Netezza Performance Server for Cloud Pak for Data System

You can mount the NFS external storage to the Netezza Performance Server host container.

About this task

To mount external storage, you must customize the ipshost1 container on e1n1, and replicate this change on e1n2 and e1n3.


  1. Customize the ipshost1 container to add NFS volumes.
    1. Log in to the ipshost1 docker container and create mount point directories.
      e1n1# docker exec -it ipshost1 bash
      ipshost1# mkdir /mnt/vol1
      ipshost1# mkdir /mnt/vol2
      ipshost1# mkdir /mnt/vol3
    2. Update /etc/fstab to define the NFS volumes, which you want to mount inside the container.
      ipshost1# cat /etc/fstab /mnt/vol1 nfs nfsvers=3,soft,async,nolock 0 0 /mnt/vol2 nfs nfsvers=3,soft,async,nolock 0 0 /mnt/vol3 nfs nfsvers=3,soft,async,nolock 0 0
    3. If you are on version, restart ipsnfs.service.
      ipshost1# systemctl restart ipsnfs
      ipsnfs.service is enabled by default in version When you start the container, the ipsnfs script is issued automatically and it mounts all NFS volumes from the /etc/fstab file.
      For older containers, you might have to enable and start ipsnfs.service.
      ipshost1# systemctl enable ipsnfs
      ipshost1# systemctl start ipsnfs
    4. Verify NFS volumes.
      ipshost1# mount | grep nfs
  2. Redeploy the ipshost1 container on the remaining control plane nodes e1n2 and e1n3.
    Follow the steps that are described in Redeploying the container to 11.0.X.X to redeploy the container.