Consistency checking

Deployment options: Netezza Performance Server for Cloud Pak for Data System

Learn about consistency checking.

nz_md5_qsum data checksum utility

The nz_md5_qsum command computes a unique checksum for a query against a table. The command provides a convenient way to compare data across nodes to determine whether the contents of the tables are in sync. Use the utility when the _v_replication_sync view shows that the subordinate applied all committed transactions from the primary, indicating that the nodes are in sync.

The nz_md5_qsum utility is implemented as a UDF function that you must run on the SYSTEM database. The input for the utility is a SELECT statement.
SELECT <col_list> FROM <database>..<user_table>[WHERE ...]
The WHERE clause is optional. The user table that you supply to the SELECT query might have a maximum of 64 columns.


SELECT nz_md5_qsum ('SELECT * FROM test..table1');
The output of the nz_md5_qsum utility is a table with the following columns.
Table 1. Output of the nz_md5_qsum utility
Column name Data type Value
DATASUM char(32) 32-hex-digit checksum of the table data.
SCHEMASUM char(32) 32-hex-digit checksum of the table layout.
NUMROWS bigint Number of rows.
NUMCOLS int Number of columns.
Because it computes the checksum on the data set that is returned by the query, the nz_md5_qsum utility has a varying performance impact on the Netezza node when you invoke it for a large table.

Installing the nz_md5_qsum utility

You must install the nz_md5_qsum utility on both the primary and subordinates. The installer is in the following location: /nz/kit/bin/adm/tools/nzqsum.

  1. Run the following command:
    tar xvf nz_md5_qsum.tar
  2. As admin run the script with a valid user name and password.

    If you want to install the nz_md5_qsum utility as a non-admin user, use one extra flag -fenced=1.
    $  ./ -u testuser -pw password@123 -fenced=1
    Installing QSUM to database system
    To install this utility successfully as a non-admin user, you must have the following minimum permissions.
    YSTEM.ADMIN(ADMIN)=> \dpu testuser
                                                User object permissions for user 'TESTUSER'
     Database Name | Schema Name | Object Name | L S I U D T L A D B L G O E C R X A | D G U S T E X Q Y V M I B R C S H F A L P N S R
     GLOBAL        | GLOBAL      | TABLE       | X X                                 |
     GLOBAL        | GLOBAL      | PROCEDURE   |                           X         |
     GLOBAL        | GLOBAL      | GLOBAL      |                                     |         X X       X               X X   X
    (3 rows)
    Object Privileges
        (L)ist (S)elect (I)nsert (U)pdate (D)elete (T)runcate (L)ock
        (A)lter (D)rop a(B)ort (L)oad (G)enstats Gr(O)om (E)xecute
        Label-A(C)cess Label-(R)estrict Label-E(X)pand Execute-(A)s
    Administration Privilege
        (D)atabase (G)roup/Role (U)ser (S)chema (T)able T(E)mp E(X)ternal
        Se(Q)uence S(Y)nonym (V)iew (M)aterialized View (I)ndex (B)ackup
        (R)estore va(C)uum (S)ystem (H)ardware (F)unction (A)ggregate
        (L)ibrary (P)rocedure U(N)fence (S)ecurity Scheduler (R)ule
    Use this SQL commands to grant all these permissions:
    drop user testuser;
    create user testuser with password 'password1';
    grant create table  to testuser;
    grant create function to testuser;
    grant create procedure to testuser;
    grant create temp table to testuser;
    grant create view to testuser;
    grant create aggregate to testuser;
    grant execute on procedure to testuser;
    grant list, select on table to testuser; script usage

Table 2. script usage
Input Description
-u Specifies the user ID that is used to connect to the SYSTEM database. The default user is NZ_USER.
-pw Specifies the password that is used to connect to the SYSTEM database. The default password is NZ_PASSWORD.
-uninstall Uninstalls the utility.
-fenced=1 | -f=1 Installs the intermediate functions, aggregates in fenced mode.
drop database db1;
create database db1;

\c db1
create table table1(c1 int, c2 varchar(10));
insert into table1 values(1, 'asdf');

\c system testuser password1
SELECT NZ_MD5_QSUM('SELECT * FROM db1..table1');
             DATASUM              |            SCHEMASUM             | NUMROWS | NUMCOLS
 0D030E080C00090104080D0605040D0E | 060E0D09090000000808070D0A070303 |       1 |       2
(1 row)