
The Syslogd Probe acts as a server on the syslog port of a host machine. It monitors data from various devices sent to a specified UDP port on the machine.

There are two probes that acquire data from syslogd: Syslog Probe and Syslogd Probe. Both probes parse the syslog messages in the same way, they differ in how they acquire data. The Syslog Probe acquires syslogd data from the system log file or from a named pipe, for details see the Netcool/OMNIbus Syslog Probe Guide. The Syslogd Probe acquires syslogd data directly from a UDP port.

If you have a syslog daemon running on the probe machine, consider using the Syslog Probe. The Syslogd Probe is effectively a syslog daemon in its own right and is intended for use where it is undesirable or difficult to install a syslog daemon.

Note: On HP-UX and HP-UX Integrity, syslogd does not support logging to a named pipe.

For details about how to download the most recent version of the probe, see the following Release Notice on the IBM Software Support website:

This guide contains the following sections: