Monitor box overview

A monitor box on the Event List monitor box window represents a filter and a selection of views that are created to determine which alert records and columns are displayed in an event list. A monitor box is named after its associated filter.

You can configure preferences to determine what type of information is displayed in monitor boxes.

A monitor box on UNIX is shown in the following figure. In this figure, different preferences have been configured for the monitor box.

Figure 1. Monitor box
This figure shows a monitor box in the UNIX Conductor.

The components of a monitor box are as follows:

 1  Filter name button
This button displays the name of the filter that is associated with the event list that you can access from this monitor box. You can click this button to start the Filter Builder, and view or edit the filter details.
 2  Number
This value represents the total number of alerts that match the filter.
If configured as a preference, this value is displayed between Number and Metric. This value represents the highest severity among the alerts that match the filter.
If configured as a preference, this value is displayed between Number and Metric. This value represents the lowest severity among the alerts that match the filter.
 3  Metric
This value represents a calculation that is applied to the alerts that match the filter. This derived value shows the average, sum, lowest, or highest value of a selected column in the alerts database table that is being queried by the filter.
 4  Distribution indicator
This area uses a lavalamp or bar chart to show the severity distribution of the alerts that match the filter. The colors used in the lavalamp segments or bar chart bars are preconfigured to identify the different severity levels.
 5  View button (UNIX) or ... button (Windows)
Click this button to open the event list that contains alerts that match the currently-selected filter and view.
 6  Select view drop-down list
This drop-down list contains the names of all the views that have been set up, and displays the name of the view that is currently associated with the event list. You can select a different view from this drop-down list in order to change the selection of columns that are shown in the event list.
You can also use this list to select the X.733 view, which displays X.733-compliant alert information in the event list.
Tip: You can optionally display a colored border around the monitor box. The border color changes according to the highest severity among the alerts that match the filter.