nco_confpack properties and command-line options

The nco_confpack utility includes a number of properties and command-line options. You need to specify additional subcommands for most command-line options.

The following table lists the properties and command-line options for nco_confpack.

Table 1. Command-line options and properties for nco_confpack  
Command-line option Property Description
-contents -subcommand parameter, ... N/A Lists the contents of a configuration package.
-dumpprops N/A Displays system and nco_confpack properties.
-export -subcommand parameter, ... N/A Exports selected configuration objects from a source ObjectServer into a configuration package.
-help N/A Displays help for nco_confpack and exits.
-import -subcommand parameter, ... N/A Extracts objects from a configuration package and imports them into a target ObjectServer.
-list -subcommand parameter, ... N/A Creates a list of all exportable configuration objects in a source ObjectServer.
N/A nc.home string The full path to the Netcool® home location. This property takes its value from NCHOME. The value can be overridden, but this is not recommended.

The default is /opt/netcool.

N/A omni.home string The full path to the Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus installation. This property takes its value from NCHOME/omnibus. The value can be overridden, but this is not recommended.

The default is /opt/netcool/omnibus.

-version N/A Displays the program version and exits.

The default nco_confpack properties file is $NCHOME/omnibus/etc/nco_confpack.props. You can use a properties file with the -list, -export, -contents, and -import command-line options.

Tip: You can use the properties file as an alternative to entering subcommands on the command line. This is useful if, for example, you need to frequently export the same ObjectServer configuration.

In an unedited properties file, all properties are listed with their default values, commented out with a hash symbol (#) at the beginning of the line. A property and its corresponding value are separated by a colon (:). String values are surrounded by single, straight quotes.

You can use the properties file as a template and modify it for different purposes. For example, you may have one properties file for creating a list file, one for exporting configurations, and one for importing configurations. You can edit the property values using a text editor. To override the default, change a setting in the properties file and remove the hash symbol.

Note: Start comments on a new line; otherwise, property values will not be read correctly.

If you specify a setting on the command line, this overrides both the default value and the setting in the properties file.