Sample scripts for launch-out integrations

Use these samples to help you build scripts for launch-out integrations in Active Event List (AEL) tools and in the Event Dashboard.

To launch into IBM Tivoli Service Request Manager

The following sample shows how to launch into Tivoli Service Request Manager, using the value of the TTNumber field for the event:"protocol://host.domain:port/maximo/ui/maximo.jsp?event=loadapp&value=incident&additionalevent=sqlwhere&additionaleventvalue=ticketid%3D%27{@TTNumber}%27

To launch into IBM Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager (TADDM)

The following sample shows how to launch into TADDM, using the values of the URL and identifier of the event:"{@URL}/cdm/servlet/LICServlet?

To launch into IBM Tivoli Monitoring

The following example shows how to launch into IBM Tivoli Monitoring:
var str={@TECHostName};
var unquoted = str.replace(/'/g, "");"protocol://host.domain:port///cnp/kdh/lib/cnp.html?hostname=" + unquoted); 

To launch a Web site

The following sample shows how to launch a predetermined Web site, depending on the severity of the event:
if ({@Severity} > 2) {"");
} else {"");