Troubleshooting ObjectServer listener errors (UNIX and Linux)

If you encounter a listener failed error when you start an ObjectServer, use the following information to troubleshoot the problem.

When an ObjectServer fails to start because of a listener failed error, messages similar to the following are logged:
Net-Library routine net_listen failed in srv_start_net Network error:
 status = 23 - Net-Lib protocol driver call to register a listener failed

Net-Library routine sybnet_listen() failed in srv__start_net OpenServer -
 Fatal Error: error_number : Failed to start any network listeners
To troubleshoot the problem, check the following conditions:
  • Verify that the host and port settings in the interfaces file ($NCHOME/omnibus/etc/omni.dat) are correct.

    Correct any errors and use the Server Editor or the nco_igen utility to generate a new interfaces file.

  • Verify that the port specified for the ObjectServer is not already in use by another application.

    This problem is indicated by the following message in the log file:

    Error -1:Socket bind failed - errno 125 Address already in use

    You can use the following netstat and grep commands to confirm that the port is available:

    netstat -an |grep port_number

  • Use the ping utility to test the connection to the ObjectServer host specified in the interfaces file.

    If the connection is not available, refer the problem to your network administrator.

  • Use the nslookup utility to test DNS name resolution for the ObjectServer host that is specified in the interfaces file.

    If the ObjectServer host name cannot be resolved, refer the problem to your network administrator.

  • Verify that the host name is configured correctly in the following files:
    • $NCHOME/omnibus/etc/resolv.conf
    • $NCHOME/omnibus/etc/nsswitch.conf
    • $NCHOME/omnibus/etc/hosts