Example: Starting a transient event list from a command line or script
These examples show how to run the transient event list directly from the command line, or from a script, on both UNIX and Windows.
Example: nco_elct command on UNIX
The following command creates a transient event list from the NCOMS ObjectServer by using the default.elv view file. Only events from the node wombat will appear in the event list.
$NCHOME/omnibus/bin/nco_elct -server NCOMS -username root -password ""
-vfile "$NCHOME/omnibus/desktop/default.elv" -ftext "( Node = \'wombat\' )"
Example: NCOelct command on Windows
The following command creates a transient event list from the NYC ObjectServer by using the lview.elv view file and the tool.elf filter file.
%NCHOME%\omnibus\desktop\NCOelct.exe -server NYC -username root -password ""
-elv "%NCHOME%\omnibus\ini\lview.elv" -elf "%NCHOME%\omnibus\ini\tool.elf"
-params "wombat"
The tool.elf file, which is referenced in the preceding NCOelct command, has the following content:
filter_name = 'ToolFilter';
filter_text = '( Node = \'@NodeName\')';
filter_metric = 'avg(Severity)';
# End of file
When you run the command or script, the string wombat that follows the -params option replaces the @NodeName placeholder in the tool.elf file, so that only events from the node wombat are shown in the event list.