Create or replace a filter

The format of the <method> element for creating or replacing a filter is:

<method methodName="filter.createOrReplaceFilter">

Use this method to create a new filter or replace one that already exists. The <method> element contains one or more <filter> elements each of which defines the characteristics of a filter. For more information, see <filter>.

For a dependent filter, the <filter> element contains one or more instances of the <dependentlist> element. For more information, see <dependentlist>.

This example creates or replaces a filter named exampleFilter2 that has the following characteristics:

  • The SQL WHERE clause is Severity>=1
  • The metric label is My Metric:
  • The name of the view associated with the filter is advanced
  • The filter is a global filter
  • The name of the data source is NCOMS
	<method methodName="filter.createOrReplaceFilter">
		<filter name="exampleFilter2"	
			sql="Severity >=1" 
			metriclabel="My Metric : " 