Use the ALTER GROUP command to change user settings for the specified group. You can change more than one setting in a single ALTER GROUP command.


ALTER GROUP 'group_name'
 SET COMMENT 'comment_string'
 ASSIGN [ RESTRICTION ] FILTER restriction_filter_name
 REMOVE [ RESTRICTION ] FILTER restriction_filter_name
 ASSIGN MEMBERS 'user_name', ...
 REMOVE MEMBERS 'user_name', ... ;

The group_name is a text string containing the unique name of the group being modified. You cannot change this name.

Use the SET COMMENT setting to modify the description of the group.

Use the ASSIGN or REMOVE RESTRICTION FILTER setting to assign or remove restriction filters that apply to the group. Only one restriction filter per table can be assigned to a group.

Use the ASSIGN or REMOVE MEMBERS setting to assign users as group members, or remove users from the group.


alter group 'AutoAdmin' assign members 'sue';