Reloading rules files (nco_probereloadrules)

You can use the nco_probereloadrules utility to remotely reload a probe rules file without restarting the probe.

Before you begin

Ensure that authentication and, if required, an SSL connection is configured. The probe that you want to communicate with must also have its HTTP or HTTPS interface enabled.

About this task

To start the nco_probereloadrules utility, use the following command:

For UNIX operating system$OMNIHOME/bin/nco_probereloadrules command_line_options

For Windows operating system%OMNIHOME%\bin\nco_probereloadrules.cmd command_line_options

The nco_probereloadrules utility uses the nco_http utility to reload the rules file over a HTTP or HTTPS connection. It can also make use of the properties file nco_http.props. You can store frequently used options, such as the user name and password, in nco_http.props instead of entering them each time that you run the utility.

Command-line options for the nco_probereloadrules utility are described in the following table.

Table 1. nco_probereloadrules command-line options
Command-line option Description
-help Displays help about the command-line options.
-host Specifies the host name where the probe is installed.
-messagelevel Specifies the logging level for messages. The available logging levels are FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, and DEBUG. The default level is INFO.
-password Specifies the HTTP password for the update.
-port Specifies the port number on which to communicate with the probe.
-ssl Specifies the use of a HTTPS connection.
-timeout Specifies the timeout period for the HTTP response.
-username Specifies the HTTP user name for the request.


The following example reloads the rules file for a probe whose host is servername and where the port is 2020.
$OMNIHOME/bin/nco_probereloadrules -host servername -port 2020