Installing Installation Manager (silent)

You can install IBM® Installation Manager silently. This is useful if you want identical installation configurations on multiple workstations. You can also use a response file to define the installation configuration, if required.

Note: The compressed file distribution of Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus that is available from IBM Passport Advantage® and on DVD includes Installation Manager. Scripts are provided that install Installation Manager and Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus at the same time. The procedure described here is required only if you want to install Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus directly from an IBM or local software repository, or if you want to use Installation Manager Group mode.

Before you begin

Take the following actions:
  • Determine which Installation Manager user mode you require.
  • Extract the contents of the Installation Manager installation file to a suitable temporary directory.
  • Read the license agreement. The license agreement file, license.txt, is stored in the temp_directory/native/ archive.
  • Ensure that the necessary user permissions are in place for your intended installation, data, and shared directories.

About this task

For Windows operating systemYou must install Installation Manager as an Administrator user.

For Linux operating systemFor UNIX operating systemInstallation Manager takes account of your current umask settings when it sets the permissions mode of the files and directories that it installs. If you use Administrator mode or Nonadministrator mode and your umask is 0, Installation Manager uses a umask of 22. If you use Group mode, Installation Manager ignores any group bits that are set and uses a umask of 2 if the resulting value is 0.


  1. To install in Administrator mode:
    1. For Linux operating systemFor UNIX operating systemIf you are not already logged in as root, use the su or sudo sh command to start a superuser shell.
    2. For Linux operating systemFor UNIX operating systemUse the umask utility to check your umask value. If necessary, change the umask value.
    3. Change to the temporary directory that contains the Installation Manager installation files.
    4. Use the following command to start the installation:
      • For Linux operating systemFor UNIX operating system./installc -acceptLicense
      • For Windows operating systeminstallc -acceptLicense
      Where the -acceptLicense option specifies that you accept the license agreement.

      If required, use the -dL option to specify a data directory other than the default data directory.

  2. For Linux operating systemFor UNIX operating systemTo install in Nonadministrator mode:
    1. Use the umask utility to check your umask value. If necessary, change the umask value.
    2. Change to the temporary directory that contains the Installation Manager installation files.
    3. Use the following command to start the installation:

      ./userinstc -acceptLicense

      Where the -acceptLicense option specifies that you accept the license agreement.

      If required, use the -dL option to specify a data directory other than the default data directory.

  3. For Linux operating systemFor UNIX operating systemTo install in Group mode:
    1. Use the id utility to verify that your current effective user group is suitable for the installation. If necessary, use the following command to start a new shell with the correct effective group:

      newgrp group_name

    2. Use the umask utility to check your umask value. If necessary, change the umask value.
    3. Change to the temporary directory that contains the Installation Manager installation files.
    4. Use the following command to start the installation:

      ./groupinstc -dL data_location -acceptLicense

      Where data_location specifies the data directory and the -acceptLicense option specifies that you accept the license agreement.

      You must specify a data directory that all members of the group can access. Each instance of Installation Manager requires a different data directory.


Installation Manager is installed and can now be used to install Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus.

What to do next

If required, add the Installation Manager installation directory path to your PATH environment variable.