Creating or editing a view on Windows

Use the View Builder to define which columns to display in the event list.

About this task

To create or edit a view:


  1. Start the View Builder.
  2. Complete the view setup area as follows:
    If you are creating a new view, overwrite the current name with a unique name for the view. This name is used in the event list. If you are editing an existing view, you do not need to make an entry in this field.
    If you have the relevant administrator permissions, select this check box to allow other users to edit this view, or clear the check box to protect the view from being modified.
    Restriction: This setting applies only if the view is saved as part of an event list configuration (.elc file).

    You can now define the view by choosing which columns to include, and specifying their order and format in the event list. You can also configure the sort orders and priorities of rows in the event list, and restrict the number of rows displayed.

  3. From the Display Columns area, add, remove, reposition, and format columns as follows:
    Available Fields
    This list displays all of the columns that can still be added to the event list. Column names in this list are shown in alphabetical order. The Available Fields list works in conjunction with the Event List View list, which holds columns that you have chosen to add to the event list.
    Use the buttons described in the following table to move columns between the two lists.
    Table 1. Column selection buttons
    Button Description
    This figure shows the Right button in the Windows View Builder.
    Click this button to move a selected column from the list of available fields on the left, to the list on the right.
    This figure shows the Far Right button in the Windows View Builder.
    Click this button to move all columns from the list of available fields on the left, to the list on the right.
    This figure shows the Left button in the Windows View Builder.
    Click this button to move a selected column from the list on the right, to the list of available fields on the left.
    This figure shows the Far Left button in the Windows View Builder.
    Click this button to move all columns from the list on the right, to the list of available fields on the left.
    Event List View
    This list shows all the columns that are selected to appear in the event list view, and the order in which they will be displayed.
    You can change the order of the columns by using the buttons described in the following table.
    Table 2. Column order buttons
    Button Description
    This figure shows the Top button in the Windows View Builder or the Channel Column Details window.
    Click this button to move the selected column to the top of the list, making it the first column shown in the event list.
    This figure shows the Up button in the Windows View Builder or the Channel Column Details window.
    Click this button to move the selected column up one place in the list (or one position to the left in the event list).
    This figure shows the Down button in the Windows View Builder or the Channel Column Details window.
    Click this button to move the selected column down one place in the list (or one position to the right in the event list).
    This figure shows the Last button in the Windows View Builder or the Channel Column Details window.
    Click this button to move the selected column to the bottom of the list, making it the last column shown in the event list.
    Field Name/Justify
    When you select a column in the Event List View list, the system-defined column name is shown in the Field Name field as a read-only value. From the adjacent Justify list, select Left, Centre, or Right to set the alignment of the column data in the event list.
    Column Title/Justify
    If you want the selected column in the Event List View list to appear with a different title other than its system-defined name, type this title in the Column Title field. From the adjacent Justify list, select Left, Centre, or Right to set the alignment of the column title in the event list.
    Column Width
    Specify the width of the column in the event list.
  4. From the Sort Columns area, specify sort orders and sort priorities of the event list columns as follows:
    Available Sort Fields
    This list displays all the available columns by which you can sort event data. Column names in this list are shown in alphabetical order. The Available Sort Fields list is used in conjunction with the Sorted By list.
    Use the buttons that are described in the preceding Column selection buttons table to move columns between the two lists.
    Sorted By
    This list shows the columns for sorting event data. Use this list to specify your sort definitions for event data as follows:
    • Define a sort order for each column: An arrow is shown to the left of each column name in the list. By default, this arrow points upwards, indicating that the column will be sorted in ascending alphabetic order. To change to descending order, double-click the arrow. To change the sort direction, you can also right-click over the selected column name and then select Change from the pop-up menu.
    • Define a sort priority for all columns: The field at the top of the sort list has the highest priority when sorting. If you add a second field to the list, and the first field is identical for a number of entries, the second field is used to sort those entries. To raise or lower the sort priority of a column, select the column name and then use the arrow buttons, as described in the following table.
      Table 3. Column sort order buttons
      Button Description
      This figure shows the Top button in the Windows View Builder or the Channel Column Details window.
      Click this button to move the selected column to the top of the list.
      This figure shows the Up button in the Windows View Builder or the Channel Column Details window.
      Click this button to move the selected column up one place in the list.
      This figure shows the Down button in the Windows View Builder or the Channel Column Details window.
      Click this button to move the selected column down one place in the list.
      This figure shows the Last button in the Windows View Builder or the Channel Column Details window.
      Click this button to move the selected column to the bottom of the list.
  5. From the Restrict Rows area, restrict the number of rows on display in the event list as follows:
    Restrict rows [1-100]
    Select this check box if you want to restrict the number of rows that are shown in the event list, to between 1 and 100. The Minimum, Maximum, and Default fields become available.
    Note: If you select the Restrict rows [1-100] check box, and save the configuration as a .elv file, the .elv file is not compatible with Netcool/OMNIbus V3.6.
    Type the minimum number of rows to be displayed, or use the arrows to increase or decrease the value.
    Type the maximum number of rows to be displayed, or use the arrows to increase or decrease the value.
    Type the default number of rows to be displayed, or use the arrows to increase or decrease the value.
    Set from Event List
    Select this check box if you want event list users to be able to choose the number of events to display in their event list view. If you select this check box, the number of events that users can choose to view by using the event list controls is constrained by the Minimum and Maximum values specified in the View Builder. If this check box is clear, the number of events displayed will always be the specified Default value.
  6. After defining the view, save the view or cancel your changes as follows:
    Click this button to apply changes to the view without saving it.
    Click this button to close the window and discard the changes.

    You must save views with a .elv file extension. Click File > Save or File > Save As.