Changing the refresh rate

Change the time interval at which the AEL is refreshed from the Web GUI server. The time interval is measured in seconds. During a refresh, changes to event data that were made since the last refresh are loaded into the event lists. This procedure applies to the AEL. The Event Viewer refresh rate is configured via the Event Viewer portlet preferences.

To avoid performance degradation, do not set the refresh to a low value, that is lower than 60 seconds.

Before you begin

Ensure that the Allow refresh rate configuration permission is selected in your user profile.


  1. Click Console Settings > User Preferences for Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Web GUI.
  2. From the Available users list, select the required user and click Modify.
  3. Select Allow refresh rate configuration and type a time in the Refresh rate (seconds): field. Then, click Save.