By default, the severity of an event in the event list
is indicated by the background color of its row. On UNIX operating systems only, you can configure
the event list to use a single background color, and instead use the
alert text color to depict severity.
About this task
To depict severity using text color:
- Back up the event list resource definition file $NCHOME/omnibus/desktop/app-defaults/arch/NCOEvent,
where arch is your operating system.
step is advisable in case you need to revert to the original file.
- Edit the NCOEvent file by adding the
following X resource lines to define the background and text colors
for the event list:
NCOEvent*clearColour: Black
NCOEvent*indetColour: Black
NCOEvent*warnColour: Black
NCOEvent*minorColour: Black
NCOEvent*majorColour: Black
NCOEvent*critColour: Black
NCOEvent*ackClearColour: Black
NCOEvent*ackIndetColour: Black
NCOEvent*ackWarnColour: Black
NCOEvent*ackMinorColour: Black
NCOEvent*ackMajorColour: Black
NCOEvent*ackCritColour: Black
NCOEvent*clearTextColour: green3
NCOEvent*indetTextColour: DarkOrchid2
NCOEvent*warnTextColour: SteelBlue1
NCOEvent*minorTextColour: yellow1
NCOEvent*majorTextColour: #ffffb432294a
NCOEvent*critTextColour: red1
NCOEvent*ackClearTextColour: #008000
NCOEvent*ackIndetTextColour: DarkOrchid4
NCOEvent*ackWarnTextColour: SteelBlue3
NCOEvent*ackMinorTextColour: yellow3
NCOEvent*ackMajorTextColour: #b5ab63bd0000
NCOEvent*ackCritTextColour: red3
Tip: In this
sample text, the background color is set to Black
but you can specify another color with a good contrast to the text
colors specified. If you want to use a different set of colors to
depict severity, you might find it useful to verify the selection
of colors that are available for use. These colors are listed in the
file /usr/openwin/lib/rgb.txt.
- Save your changes to the file.
- To ensure that the defined color settings are loaded into
your environment, set the XAPPLRESDIR environment variable to the
location where the updated resource definition file NCOEvent is
This location is:
Where arch is
your operating system directory.
environment variable in the .login or .profile initialization
file for your shell to make your color settings permanent.
- Merge the colors with the system colors by entering the
following command:
-merge $NCHOME/omnibus/desktop/app-defaults/arch/NCOEvent
Where arch is
your operating system directory.
The new colors become available when you open an event list.