SQL interactive interface
You can use the SQL interactive interface (called nco_sql on UNIX and isql on Windows) to connect to a firewall bridge server, and use SQL commands to interact with the Firewall Bridge server and retrieve configuration information.
While running the SQL interactive interface, you can perform tasks such as listing configuration settings, changing the debug logging level, listing the current data-flows, or stopping the firewall bridge server.
Note: For security reasons, connections to the firewall
bridge server using the SQL interactive interface can be disabled
by setting the Bridge.AllowConnections property
to FALSE, or by running the firewall bridge server
with the -disallowconnections command line argument.
This may be required if the Client Access Bridge server is running
in an non-secure network outside a firewall.
Note: All properties must be set in the properties file or using the
command line options. Changes to property values made once the firewall
bridge server has been started (using the SQL Interactive Interface)
currently have no effect.