E-IVM-053-005 OpenClient (Layer = %0s, Origin = %1s, Severity = %2s, Number = %3s) - Session '%4s': %5s


The following examples show how this message is written to the log.

Example 1:
E-IVM-053-005: OpenClient (Layer = 5, Origin = 3, Severity = 5, Number = 6) - Session 'DEVPNCOMS': readahead failure: network packet layer: internal net library error: Net-Library operation terminated due to disconnect
Example 2:
E-IVM-053-005: OpenClient (Layer = 6, Origin = 8, Severity = 5, Number = 3) - Session 'INPOSSSP': ct_connect(): directory service layer: internal directory control layer error: Requested server name not found.
Example 3:
E-IVM-053-005: OpenClient (Layer = 1, Origin = 2, Severity = 2, Number = 63) - Session 'AGG_V': ct_results(): user api layer: internal Client Library error: Read from the server has timed out.
Example 4:
E-IVM-053-005: OpenClient (Layer = 1, Origin = 1, Severity = 1, Number = 50) - Session 'AGG_V': ct_cmd_drop(): user api layer: external error: The connection has been marked dead.

The example messages indicate that an ObjectServer client encountered a communication problem.

System action

Not applicable.

User response

Not applicable.

Administrator response

OpenClient errors can have several causes. Examine the message text and the accompanying messages in the log for more information.

Example messages 1 and 4 indicate that the client connection to the ObjectServer was lost. Check the ObjectServer logs for more information about why the client disconnected.

Example message 2 indicates that the ObjectServer name was not found in the interfaces file. Configure the ObjectServer connection information in the Server Editor (or in the connections data file $NCHOME/etc/omni.dat).

Example 3 indicates a read timeout on the ObjectServer. If the client uses a timeout property (such as NetworkTimeout), check that its value is high enough to allow for busy periods at the ObjectServer. If the client is a probe connected to an ObjectServer pair in failover configuration, ensure that the value of probe PollServer property is greater than the value of the NetworkTimeout property.