Starting the SQL interactive interface

Use the nco_sql command and the isql command to start the SQL interactive interface.

About this task

To start the SQL interactive interface:


Run the nco_sql command on UNIX and isql command on Windows, as follows:
Option Description
UNIX $NCHOME/omnibus/bin/nco_sql -server servername -user username
Windows %NCHOME%\omnibus\bin\isql -S servername -U username
In these commands, servername is the name of the firewall bridge server and username is a valid user name. If you do not specify a firewall bridge server name, the default name NCOMS is used. If you do not specify a user name, the default is the user running the command. You must enter a valid password for the user, either when prompted, or by specifying the -password command-line option (-P on Windows).
Note: On Windows, you must specify the firewall bridge server name and the user name.


Attention: Be aware that specifying the password on the command line makes the password visible. If you do not specify a password, you are prompted for one.

A number of command-line options are available for use with these commands.