Installation directory structure

Packages are installed in various subdirectories of the Netcool® home directory (NCHOME) during a Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus installation.

The default directories that are created during installation are described in the following sections:

The Netcool home directory (NCHOME)

The Netcool home directory is the base directory where Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus is installed. It is defined by the NCHOME environment variable.

For Linux operating systemFor UNIX operating system$NCHOME defaults to /opt/IBM/tivoli/netcool.

For Windows operating system%NCHOME% defaults to C:\IBM\Tivoli\Netcool.

Where a directory or command path starts with the variable NCHOME, the information applies to all supported operating systems.

Note: Do not install any product that does not use Installation Manager into the same directory as Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus. Using different installer programs to manage the same directory may cause one or more products to become corrupted.
Note: In previous versions of the product, the OMNIHOME environment variable is used in configuration files. To use these older configuration files in the current version, set OMNIHOME to the following directory:
  • For Linux operating systemFor UNIX operating system$NCHOME/omnibus
  • For Windows operating system%NCHOME%\omnibus

The following table lists the subdirectories of the Netcool home directory.

Note: NCHOME indicates that the directory exists on Windows, UNIX, and Linux operating systems. $NCHOME indicates a UNIX or Linux -specific directory. %NCHOME% indicates a Windows-specific directory.
Table 1. Netcool home directory structure
Directory Description

For Linux operating systemFor UNIX operating systemLocation of the Netcool portfolio binary files, including the iKeyman utilities, and the nco_run script and links that run common applications.

For Windows operating systemLocation of the iKeyman utilities.

$NCHOME/etc Location of the configuration files that are generated or used by common applications or third-party products, and the localization configuration file (tds.dat). You can modify these files.
$NCHOME/etc/default Location of read-only default reference versions of the localization configuration file (tds.dat) and other configuration files.
$NCHOME/etc/security Location of the FIPS 140–2 configuration file (fips.conf) that is required for FIPS 140–2 initialization on Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus.
$NCHOME/etc/security/keys Location of the key database files that are created for managing digital certificates and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) connections.
%NCHOME%\ini Location of the connections data file (sql.ini) and the localization configuration file (tds.dat).
%NCHOME%\ini\default Location of the default reference versions of the connections data file (sql.ini) and the localization configuration file (tds.dat).
%NCHOME%\ini\security Location of the FIPS 140–2 configuration file (fips.conf) that is required for FIPS 140–2 initialization on Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus.
%NCHOME%\ini\security\keys Location of the key database files that are created for managing digital certificates and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) connections.
NCHOME/license Location of IBM® and non-IBM license files.
%NCHOME%\locales Location of the language files for messages.
NCHOME/log Location of the communication log file for the ObjectServer.
NCHOME/platform Location of internal programs and libraries that are used by Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus.
$NCHOME/properties Location of properties files.
NCHOME/var Location of the gateway log files.

Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus directories

A number of default directories are created when you install Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus.

The following table describes the subdirectories of the Netcool home directory that are specific to Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus.

NCHOME indicates that the directory exists on Windows, UNIX, and Linux operating systems. $NCHOME indicates a UNIX or Linux -specific directory. %NCHOME% indicates a Windows-specific directory.

Table 2. Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus directory structure
Directory Description
NCHOME/omnibus/bin Contains Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus executable files, and the IEHS executable files for starting and stopping an IEHS server that is running locally in stand-alone mode, or in information center mode.

For Linux operating systemFor UNIX operating systemLocation of the nco_run script and links that run Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus applications.

NCHOME/omnibus/db Location of the ObjectServer database files.
For Linux operating systemFor UNIX operating systemLocation of the resource files for the Desktop component.
Restriction: The desktop directory is not available on a Linux® on System z® or HP-UX Integrity installation.

For Windows operating systemLocation of the Desktop executable files and libraries.

NCHOME/omnibus/etc Contains the configuration files that the database initialization utility (nco_dbinit) requires to create an ObjectServer, and configuration files that can be used to upgrade the database schema. This location also holds properties files, and the configuration file for setting the values to run the online help system in information center mode. You can modify these files.

For Windows operating systemLocation of the configuration files that the database initialization utility (nco_dbinit) requires to create an ObjectServer, and configuration files that can be used to upgrade the database schema. This location also holds properties files. You can modify these files.

NCHOME/omnibus/etc/default Location of read-only default reference versions of the properties files, and configuration files that are used by the nco_dbinit utility and online help utilities.

For Windows operating systemLocation of default reference versions of the properties files, and configuration files that are used by the nco_dbinit utility.

NCHOME/omnibus/etc/initial Location of the writable copy of the ObjectServer source properties file (NCOMS.props), which is used by nco_dbinit.

For Windows operating systemLocation of the writable copy of the ObjectServer source properties file (NCOMS.props), which is used by the nco_dbinit utility.

$NCHOME/omnibus/etc/locale Location of the translated desktop SQL definition files for each supported language. The desktop SQL definition file inserts default values into the desktop tables, including default colors, column visuals, conversions, tools, and menus.
NCHOME/omnibus/extensions Location of resources that you can use to extend the functionality of Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus.
%NCHOME%\omnibus\ini Location of the Desktop configuration files. This location also holds the configuration file for setting the values to run the online help system in information center mode. You can modify these files.
%NCHOME%\omnibus\ini\default Location of reference versions of the Desktop and online help configuration files.
$NCHOME/omnibus/install Location of the installation resources for probes and gateways.

For Linux operating systemFor UNIX operating systemAlso holds the startup script that automatically runs the process control daemon on system startup.

NCHOME/omnibus/java Location of .jar files that support Java™ applications.
%NCHOME%\omnibus\locales Location of language localization files.
NCHOME/omnibus/log Location of most of the ObjectServer log files. (The ObjectServer communication log file is in $NCHOME/log.)
NCHOME/omnibus/platform Location of platform-dependent resources such as Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus catalogs, libraries, modules, and IEHS files.
NCHOME/omnibus/tsm Location where TSMs are installed.

Required for compatibility with an earlier version of the probe installer.

NCHOME/omnibus/upgrade Location of the Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus upgrade script UPGRADE.SH, which migrates configuration data from a previous installation into a V8.1 installation.

For Windows operating systemLocation of the Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus upgrade scripts that migrate configuration data from a previous installation into a V8.1 installation.

NCHOME/omnibus/utils Location of the nco_mail and nco_functions utilities. Can be used to store similar utilities used by external automations and tools.

For Windows operating systemLocation of utilities that were migrated from a previous installation. The utils directory is only present if you had a utils directory that was migrated during a V8.1 upgrade.

NCHOME/omnibus/var Location where internal runtime information is stored.

Probe and gateway directories

The following table lists the directories where probes, gateways, and their respective configuration files are installed.

Note: NCHOME indicates that the directory exists on Windows, UNIX, and Linux operating systems. $NCHOME indicates a UNIX or Linux -specific directory. %NCHOME% indicates a Windows-specific directory.
Table 3. Probe and gateway directory structure
Directory Description

32-bit operating systems$NCHOME/omnibus/probes

64-bit operating systems$NCHOME/omnibus/platform/arch/probes64.

Location where probes are installed. Use the wrapper scripts in $NCHOME/omnibus/probes to run the probes on both 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems.
%NCHOME%\omnibus\probes Location where probes are installed.
%NCHOME%\omnibus\probes\win32 Location where the probe configuration files are stored. For example, the properties and rules files.
NCHOME/omnibus/gates Location where configuration data for new ObjectServer gateways is stored.