Views constrain the columns displayed in an Active Event List (AEL) and the Event Viewer. You can control the order in which columns are displayed, lock columns in the display, and control the sorting of information in the columns. Views in the Web GUI differ from the views that you can configure in Dashboard Application Services Hub. Views in Dashboard Application Services Hub are a defined set of tasks that are displayed in the console navigation pane
Views can also be applied to the deprecated Lightweight Event List (LEL) and Table View.
When you create a view, you must select at least one data source. The data source is used to control the columns that can be included in the view (the columns represent the fields in the data source). If you select multiple data sources, you can select fields from all data sources.
View categories
Views are either accessible to all users, or are assigned to a user profile. Access to views is controlled as follows:- Global views
- These views are accessible to all users. As a read-write user, or a read-only user, you can copy global views to your user profile, where you can modify the views.
- User views
- These views are stored in your user profile; only you and the administrator can access these profiles. User views are contained in a list called My Views.
System views
In the View Builder, access to system views, and the ability to create, edit, and delete system views is restricted to administrators. In the AEL, only administrators can select system views from the Views list. If the AEL was launched with a system view already applied, non-administrators can view and select this system view from the Views list. If your Web GUI installation was upgraded or migrated from Netcool®/Webtop, system views are present after upgrade or migration. The system views contain entity view data migrated from Netcool/Webtop.