Viewing JazzSM profile logs for login errors

In the event of a login error, review the system outage and system error logs to help determine the cause.

About this task

Follow these steps to open the system outage and system error logs:


  1. At the command line, change to the /opt/IBM/JazzSM/profile/logs/server1 directory.
  2. Open SystemOut.log and SystemErr.log in a text editor.
    On Windows, for example, the command notepad systemout.log opens the log in Windows Notepad.
  3. Review the errors.
  4. If the cause and solution to your login error is not apparent, send the SystemOut.log and SystemErr.log from this directory and the server1_exception.log (and any other files that were modified within a few minutes of this one) from the sibling ffdc directory to your security administrator for further examination.